
It is, but when you're tens of miles ABOVE the nearest supply closet, you don't want to trust your equipment/life to something that might run out of batteries.

The post-script is the saddest thing of this whole affair.

The prices were actually lower than I expected.

For consoles that would be one thing, but for PC thats a dumb excuse. EA has the code for both engines. All they have to do is "unlock" the old save, convert it into something basic like a text file and then have the new engine read the text file accordingly. Having the audience go online and use Keep simply reveals

Oregon Trail on the Apple II.

Donkey Kong for the arcade is such a small game people have remade the game for fun. People don't remake Batman Arkman City for fun.

Contrary to popular belief, game hacking rarely reveals this stuff. No one wants to listen to tens of hours of video game dialogue in order to find an unused/easter egg dialogue. Nor is there any point in looking graphical files if it doesn't make sense until its run through the game and combines to form a

Except in the end Ariel had to be rescued by her father AND the male love interest. One step forward, two steps back.

It is beyond bonkers, but I'm not making this stuff up. Just like any movement, there are always extremists and the "damsel in distress" trope is one of those targets.

Oh good! Then we'll start to see evil fat female villains who kidnap good skinny men right? Cause the video game industry has had a serious imbalance of "damsel in distress" usage for decades now, its only fair princes get the short end of the stick in the name of gender equality.

And all was made right by ruining someone's life instead of Blizzard actually addressing the server issues. Way to go internet!

"2. It's unclear whether these accounts are all the work of Sousa, but in an e-mail to me, Sousa took responsibility for a few that followed the same pattern: @CelebrinandoPor and @CelebrinandoRJ. Both of those accounts have also been suspended. To this day, as Sousa continues publishing videos, brand new Twitter

"We can't actually help someone charge him with anything, frustratingly"

And not responding with violence only ends violence when the target is dead.

Probability and statistics states that if something is significantly implausible enough, absent supporting evidence (which she LACKS), it is entirely reasonable to assume that, given the conditions, it is IMPOSSIBLE.

Net neutrality is designed to address the flaws in the system that benefit incumbents (aka. conservatives) in the first place.

I do bookkeeping for a medium sized business (8 stores, 1 food truck, 50+ employees) and the states (we're in 2 states) minimum wage are already higher than the federal minimum wage. As far as we're concerned, increasing the federal minimum wage either means nothing or increasing our customer base depending on which

The "absolute extremes" in this case are also multi-billion(/trillion depending on how far in-depth you include) dollar corporations with (arguably) their future survival on the lines.

But "Press X to pay respect" is right?