
Not sure if serious... If you are, I guess you don't remember the Steam races thst were being rigged by Reddit. Valve had to mea culpa on that occasion too.

Not even a tiny bit surprised.

I think all in all this is a problem for a vast majority of free roam games these days. Take a look at Assassin's Creed or Far Cry.

But I'll still wait for the extra guacamole edition

good thing super streetfighter 5 championship ex-alpha burrito supreme edition will be out on ps4, xbone, ios, 3ds, and 3DO about 3 months after release

Your move, BangBros.

Somewhere, stowed away on one of America's floating fortresses, occupying precious space in its holds, is a dunking booth made with MIL-spec hardware.

5% toxic players is not good. Each game has 10 players. That means, approximately, every 2 games you play, one of them will contain a harassing element. Those aren't acceptable statistics.

I actually have experience in both, owning a small business and working B2B. Sorry to mess up your "perfect" stereotypes you've made up in your head.

Because trusting Comcast and AT&T is just SO much better...

Besides "because Obama."

Are you serious? Republicans doing something anti-big business and pro small business? Keep dreaming.


Welp, R.I.P. the internet - that is, after he puts a plan forward, the GOP refuses to pass it until it gets reworked to the point where it can't help but fail, then blame Obama for it.

Battlefield did it first:

I'm not saying you can't find it uncanny, but this is far from the actual depth of the uncanny valley.

The implication that you have to be a complete natural at every brand new game to be a "gamer" is kinda icky to me. I mean why does it matter if he does or he doesn't? Is he infiltrating a super secret club that I wasn't even aware I was apart of that demands naming and shaming of the fakers?

Rounded. Rectangles and squares that are ROUNDED. Get it right. :)

Incoming lawsuit.

When I go home people'll ask me, "Hey Hoot, why do you do it man? What, you some kinda war junkie?" You know what I'll say? I won't say a goddamn word. Why? They won't understand. They won't understand why we do it. They won't understand that it's about the men next to you, and that's it. That's all it is.