
A pretty demanding attitude you have toward people inviting you into their home. 

I guess Kris won’t be coming into my house then. Barring a formal event, shoes come off in my house. There is one exception. My parents are allowed to keep theirs on for stability (hardwood floors + loose slippers or socks + old people = emergency room).

There are two countries in the world where you always take your shoes off when you enter a home - in Japan, and in Canada other than for a house party. Not sure what the Japanese reason is, but in Canada it’s probably due to the messy winters and so it’s become a standard practice year round.

I live in Canada and nobody ever wears shoes inside here (even in the summer when there is no rain/snow/etc.). To me, wearing shoes in someone’s home seems both nonsensical and disrespectful.

Angels walk among us

There are no condoms being provided this year.

This means that in 15 years we are going to have a new generation of super Olympians that were conceived this month.

I fuckin love everything this dude is doin.

Hi Meghan!

Mr. Bieber’s outfit is largely fine

You are a grown-ass man. Buy some dress shoes!

Mr. Bieber’s outfit is largely fine

It seems less like they asked ‘The Queen’ and more that they asked Granny if she would be okay with them naming the baby after her. The palace flunkies seem to think that they should have asked The Queen, instead of a grandson asking his grandmother.

One of my favorite stories about the Buffalo Soldiers actually took place in Yosemite. They were charged with ensuring that the local ranchers didn’t use park lands to graze their cattle-which was quite a task when park lands were enormous, and took literal days to cross. The other issue was that they were not able to

Don Lemon does not need CNN, CNN needs Don Lemon. If he quit, it would send a very powerful message that racism should not be tolerated. He would be unemployed for all about of five minutes before other networks lined up to shovel money at him

Now playing

I think they should go full Stepbrothers the night before and get it out of their system.

Mitch was the main force behind them doing next to nothing in 2020. And Trump figured that his base was large enough to keep him in the White House, so he didn’t slap the taste out of Mitch’s mouth and tell him to run people 2k.

well, schumer could find a spine and beat the ever living fuck out of each of them. or whatever mitch does to keep his bitches in line.

Exhibit A: Amber Guyger.

I don’t think weaponizing Karens is a good idea...