
Yeah but Canadians are insanely polite. We are talking about Americans here. A country filled with morons that think it’s okay to yell in people’s faces maskless during a COVID surge as well.
I wish I was Canadian. I am open to being adopted. Just sayin’

Yeah Kris can go sit in the car then because we’re Muslim and so there is that reason but also, people’s shoes are nasty and you are not tracking various forms of feces and funk through my house. Take your fucking shoes off or get the fuck out.
Also, I even provide a nice clean and fresh pair of soft fuzzy house socks

But is there a Go Fund Me to buy her some new tires and maybe an alarm/security upgrade? Because her insurance probably will not cover her tires since she slashed them.
I support every move she made. I would love to put something on her new tires for her.  Bianca I salute you! Post her Venmo or something Root.

One of the larger issues in the National Park system is the lack of Black park rangers and staff within the National Park system. There are two types of rangers, there are those who act as law enforcement and there are those who act in an educational and land preservation/protection capacity (these are park rangers

She was just shopping in Petaluma - she lives one town over and is a wine country mommy blogger. Petaluma is more like cows and chickens and not wine. Literally, Petaluma has a “Butter and Eggs Festival” because cows and chickens are their jam.
She just went there for the Michael’s and the Target.

Side note for the

She lives in my town. I assure you, there are an entire crew of racist mommies here just like her. This is one of the 5000000000000000 reasons no one ever saw me at any PTO anythings - and I have hella kids so there is this assumption I should be there. Fuck that shit. I am not making Pinterest cookies and talking

Ed Sheeran is actually really honest about his addictions and has named alcohol as one. He talks about how since getting married he has made a lot of changes, doesn’t really drink much. He talks in an interview he recently did that he tended to do everything in super excess and now he doesn’t.

And those tax records and financials are all starting to be uncovered and released. As a former campaign manager it’s likely he is implicated in some cover ups. Historically people like Trump do fucked up shit, but only ever get caught for tax frauds/money laundering etc.
They are all starting to crack.

So this video has made the rounds on twitter and was originally not posted by the attorney but by someone else - who is now having a twitter fight with the attorney over who’s video it is and who owns it.
This whole video looks like a bad idea. He looks heavily medicated and not fully aware of what he is saying. His

I am an advocate and I specialize in educational advocacy for Special Education, BIPOC and LGBTQ+ students.
I have had SO MANY BIPOC KIDS WITH ACTUAL DOCUMENTED DISABILITIES who have been sent to juvenile court by the SRO’s in school for behavior that is DIRECTLY related to their actual disability that everyone knows

I have to wonder if the stylist did this specifically for the green screen fun to be had on Twitter and she did not know because she has to be dumb (because who would not see that coming?)
OR Melania was in on it and it was her passive aggressive way to take over the night and become the conversation.
OR Trump did it

I think it sounds like perhaps the teaching profession is not for you anymore and you should look into another one. Seriously.

I am an Education Advocate and my job is to advocate for kids just like K.
First of all here is what we know:
Behavior is communication.
This is fact, not theory.
K is communicating something in her behavior. As the professional adult in the room and in her life your job is to help K learn to communicate appropriately

Lincoln’s position on slavery was purely political and self serving. He didn’t believe in rights or equality for black Americans or even in their humanity.

I think I got a little too into macrame and renovating my patio. Now it’s too hot to sit outside. The renovation felt more exciting in April than it does not in July.
However, now it’s clear I will be trapped in my house for at least another year so I have no macrame patio regrets.

So I am not the only totally confused person here then. She thinks she’s Caucasian?

Oh yeah go rewatch it. She screamed and cried hysterically that she was being threatened. Then she ran down the sidewalk for blocks hyperventilating that she was in danger because the person she called on was not having her bullshit and just steady recorded her ass the whole time she was on the phone to prove no one

Autism parent here. You don’t “rehome” any child ever. If you are such a fucked up human being you do something like that, then you should never be allowed to adopt.
This is a perfect opportunity to really call out the fuckary that happens in over-seas adoptions - specifically adopting children of color by white

And doing what whyte people do: He called the manager demanding the video of him being a racist be taken down.
Look whyte folks.... if you want to be bold with your racism, then be prepared to be bold enough for everyone to watch you be a racist and then call you a racist. That’s how this shit works.

I work with a local shelter and every cat that is a total jerk or psychopath I want to take home.
I actually did take one home a few months ago. I love him more than life. He is an asshole of epic proportion.
I have a thing for pets with issues. The suck me into their souls.
When a new asshole shows up at the shelter