
Ok. This is a bridge too far. What is this Gilbert Grape bullshit? I know this probably will get lost in the grays, but my brother has autism, and I made a short film with an autistic character in it so that we could increase representation. I went to great lengths to find an actor ACTUALLY ON THE SPECTRUM to play

This is a truly terrible idea. Truly. If they wanted a person who sees the world differently so they could do whimsical musical sequences, they could have made the story about someone who has synesthesia, where you see music as colors or something like that.

watched documentaries and YouTube videos to prepare”


How do you get to be that stupid and work for a luxury real estate company?

He got the two piece with a side of unemployment. All for not minding his own F’N BIDNESS.

This offensive woman needs a substantial portion of her wages garnished for quite a few years and have those wages go toward racial equity programs in NYC.

“Senior prosecutor Joan Illuzzi said in Manhattan Criminal Court on Wednesday, adding that Amy had used police in a fashion that was “both racially offensive and designed to intimidate...”

And Christian Cooper’s dumb ass is was out here trying to defend her from criticism and take off the pressure on her the deeper we got into the story. Lawdamercy.

About 20 years ago, a friend of mine and I went to Rome. She had a friend who was a reporter for whatever newspaper the Vatican has. We met him for lunch and...

It’s great that he got good internet connection after disappearing up his own asshole.

Shouldn’t we be on Mindy’s team here for standing for the privacy of her children, and her right to have a baby or 11 in whatever manner she wants without the public thinking its their right to know the details, whether that be with whom/where/when/how? I recognize that there is a bit of this in the article, but the

Wow, fuck you dude. You need her forgiveness first.

Also, that maybe it’ll stop people from saying all sorts of stupid shit to people when they hear about a pregnancy loss.

A lot of hospitals offer photography in situations like this, so its not necessarily a glamourous photoshoot. I’ve known non-famous people who post these on their social media accounts to essentially say, “they existed in this world. they will be remembered.” It wasn’t thirsty or fake for them to do it, and I think

I think the issue with Teigen and Legend in particular is that their trolls are extremely virulent Q-anon supporters who have accused the couple of pedophilia and are using this miscarriage as proof that they -- i don’t know, what is the current Q-anon view? Eat babies? Drink their blood? Anyway, that. And it’s

Tiegen had been posting regularly about their journey with this pregnancy from the beginning. I can imagine that, having had the pregnancy end in this way, she would want to get out in front of the story and post it herself.

I’m not one of the Chrissy superfans, but I think it’s super brave and loving of her to post openly about this when it’s still such a stigmatized subject. October is pregnancy & infant loss awareness month, and many of the replies to Chrissy on Twitter do a great job of illustrating why we need to be having these

As my dad is fond of saying, if you kill someone, you might get away with it, but if you trying scamming the IRS, you’re going to jail.