
No, Northern CA but all throughout CA our school districts are in budget crisis. A lot plays into that, CA schools quite frankly are a mess due to that bullshit lottery “funding” which was never really funding and the manner in which our schools are funding - The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Then on top of

I heard similar things in our district from teachers. They also were taught that parents were basically out to get them. When they saw we were trying to help and work with them and willing to go to the mat they seemed stunned. I heard so many teachers tell me that they were taught parents just wanted to get them

Everything you just said times 10!
In our district the administration was downright corrupt. The teachers were at an all time enthusiasm low and stress high but they were afraid to speak out because the superintendent and her cronies/henchmen retaliated like nobody’s business. This had been going on for years. That and

These are the same people who shopping cart snoop in the carts of poor people paying for groceries with food stamps and grilling them about why they are buying organic food while simultaneously shaming other people using food stamps for eating crackers and noodles and saying they spend their food stamps on “junk food”

I can’t talk to Trump supporters, even waiting in line for something. I have to walk away and/or tell them to STFU because they make my ears bleed.
My cousin just packed her kids and whole house up at 2am and moved out leaving her Trump supporting husband.
I’m not sad.
In fact I am throwing her a divorce party.

No, her last full studio album was The Cookbook. Everything after that was a single or a feature on someone else’s album and even those were infrequent.
I am so here for a new Missy album. When it drops I am going to take some time off work and do nothing but focus on imprinting the entire album into my brain and

She just released this as a single, not part of an album so this will be her first full album in 15 years. WTF was just a little sumthin she blessed us with to hold us all over.  :-)

And I call bullshit on suddenly deciding this is not a “police incident” when it is convenient for the police to distance themselves. She murdered him with her service weapon. He was killed with a police service weapon as the murder weapon - yes murder and I am going to keep calling it murder.

I feel like this 3 out of 4 weeks of every month lately. I am eternally grateful I work from home behind the cover of the internet and I am my own boss because no one would keep me around. I would be fired and have no money for Uncrustables. This early stages of menopause shit is insane. I feel horrible that my mom

Nope, Grape Uncrustables and don’t let them thaw all the way out. Consume half frozen with Netflix. The only way to eat them.

I shop at Whole Foods.
I buy organic everything.
I buy in bulk.

So Clearlake (the actual lake itself) has world renown Bass fishing and Bass fishing competitions. The lake is STUNNING. It is the largest fresh water lake in the state and the oldest lake in North America. It’s a volcanic lake and even during the worst of the drought it had pretty good water levels. Lake County also

It’s really important for people to understand where this fire is and the community it is impacting.
It is in Lake County: one of the poorest counties in all of California that neighbors some of the wealthiest counties.
Lake County has been hit with so many fires in the last three years that at this point there is

Justice is never given, it is taken.
Civil Rights never came because folks asked politely or used their nice words and manners. Social justice goals are met because it becomes impossible to drown out the protests and noise and the oppressors become exhausted and beaten down. This attitude that protesters need to

It’s going to be worse for the self-employed. The tax professionals I know have all been saying for self-employed people this is going to be really bad because the standard deduction is evidently “raised substantially higher making it harder to itemize” from a friend who came back from the IRS conference and for

In Mountain View that is most definitely the attitude. This is where the tech company’s racist-tech-bro-culture thrives, feeds, multiplies and basically are like fucking Gremlins where people are throwing water on them all day so they breed over and over and take over the city. It’s over. The White Male Tech Gremlins

And he was able to ride BART all day long.

No taxation without representation.
States like California (Where I live so yeah please do this, as a resident of CA I am giving the thumbs up on this) need to withhold the money we hand over to the feds until this regime is overthrown. Our state provides more money than we receive. Our state provides more everything

The Old United States would have.
The current United States just does this.
I am convinced we are almost Gilead at this point.

Exactly what I was thinking.
I get that they have to sue to order the oversight, BUT at what point are there criminal charges on a global stage? At what point do the monsters who are doing this shit get held accountable in a public court and trial and convicted of these crimes?
Oversight yes but these fuckers need to