
I wonder if any women have died yet from this in custody? I feel like if that happened no one would ever know.
Also so much can happen when a woman is pregnant and in extreme stress and one thing can look one way but be something else.
I remember when I was pregnant with my first son I woke up in a pool of blood and

“..his professional responsibilities”


No way. Wedge salads are my kid memories of eating at Bob’s Big Boy! I used to always get a wedge salad with Bob’s Famous Blue Cheese dressing with my Bob’s Burger and a root beer. I still do every time I go to Los Angeles and it’s still good and makes me happy.

It’s been coming but Oakland is fighting it head on and not apologizing for anything they do in fighting it and that is the difference. The gentrifiers may come, but they are not being welcomed and accommodated.

Yep. Do not ever try to play folks in Oakland with that gentrifying crying ass Karen bullshit.
Oakland was hella Oakland in response to Susan’s bullshit.
I love Oakland. Oakland is the heart and soul of the Bay Area.

“I would have told you who the fuck bit Beyonce...”

I love her. I love her so much. In my mind, she and I are best friends.
TMZ is so out of pocket on this. Thank you Tiffany for calling them out. See TMZ, you lost out on who bit Beyonce for being some rude asses.
<insert Fred Sanford voice>Ya big Dummies.

He didn’t practice. There was a blunt involved. That’s the key to the Dr. Seuss magic.

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ‎

My good friend had EB. He died a couple years ago but he lived to be in his 30's. Keeping him in his own apartment and living independently was really hard in terms of resources. The town we live in had fundraisers to pay his rent and bills so that he could live his life as a man on his own. I cooked for him every

So many people don’t know about Title VI regulations, I never assume anyone does so I make sure I’m not a douchebag about it. ;-)
I work with SaveYourVI and we advocate for Title VI enforcement and training in the public schools for students of color. I constantly meet school and district administrators, even

It’s actually a violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Any agency that is a recipient of federal funds (which fire departments are, they received a great deal of funding under FEMA) must adhere to all aspects of the Civil Rights Act. Title VI guarantees that all employees of these agencies and all

My youngest is autistic. He smiles. He often will look uncomfortable in portrait style photos with family but I have a ton of candid photos with him smiling.

I find this whole story incredibly problematic for many reasons.
Savior complex.
The focus on his behaviors vs the cause and supports.

I have two: Debit and credit.
It’s over for me.

I went to Target on Saturday and the barista at the Starbucks inside said “Hey, how’s it going? How are the boys doing? They didn’t come with you this morning?”
Bitch I don’t know you. But yeah, you know me. Damn it. She even started making my drink when she saw me walking up.

It would be worth it but everyone would have to up their Bart Simpson prank calling Mo’s name game with names like...
Imma Liyensac
Maken Crimesallday
Kanai Gotoprison

There is nothing surprising about this. I was actually waiting for it. The Bay Area is not what people not from the Bay Area think it is. There is a shit ton of racism here cloaked as kombucha drinking hot yoga hug it out psuedo liberal racism.
WP here in the bay like their diversity (but only in Pinterest-like ways)

You nailed it. I am a social media manager and this narrative that Facebook cares about your relationships is total bullshit. This is going to hurt the non-profits and small business people. The corporations won’t care, they already have large paid social budgets in their budgets. My corporate clients could care less

This is a shockingly low amount for what happened to her. It’s shameful really. Her attorney should have held out for more and filed a separate claim on behalf of the child. I hope they did not waive that right. I hope someone files on behalf of the child and places it into trust for her.
This is bullshit.