I also wish I could give you a million stars for “Our Lady Of The Paperback” .... Now I want to glue her photo to a candle and burn it at an election alter.
I also wish I could give you a million stars for “Our Lady Of The Paperback” .... Now I want to glue her photo to a candle and burn it at an election alter.
Naw, I just want her to have been given money and the opportunity to read her book at the same time. I fully support taking money to then give the middle finger. She should have been paid to sit through that shit. No one should have to do that for free.
Okay can I fan girl out a minute here? Because I really love her! If you still are in contact with her please tell her ihatebras thinks she is just everything and for the rest of the election everytime I get annoyed I’m going to watch her read her book to find my zen again.
That is a good thing. Let's all sing it now. 😉
I hope more than anything ever in my life that she was paid to be there. Not only because that means Trump has to pay people to make him look like he has diverse support but also because she was paid to give zero fucks and read her book. Can she start a book club? Can we pay her to sit and read during all the GOP…
I’ve had four kids and I think it’s funny too and apparently so does his wife. They sound like a fun family.
“clean”??? The vernix on a baby is not only clean it actually protects the baby from infections. Washing it off is ridiculously stupid. After pushing a whole human out of your body you seriously are not thinking about holding the photo ops until the vernix is gone. You are just glad it’s out of your body.
He’s actually not opposed to it. The only reason we haven’t is I am shooting for a uteren eblasion because believe it or not... I have endometriosis, fibroids and ovarian cycsts and somehow still got pregnant over and over when he sneezes my direction. I don’t even want to imagine how many times I would be pregnant if…
I had my first hot flash and night sweat last month. It sucked but it was a sign that there is a light at the end of the dark bleeding ovulating tunnel. I’ll take it.
I'm 43 and have 4 kids and an IUD and if my period is late I'm freaking the fuck out because I swear I can get pregnant if my husband so much as hands me a glass of iced tea. I feel like he breaths on me and I'm pregnant. I want menopause so god damn bad. This story is my nightmare. She is going to have a 13 year old…
So this is my actual job, not for Adele obviously (god I wish... please hire me Adele... I will let you slip a fun tweet in here and there and look the other way!) but for other people and corporations and it’s a weird job to have. On one hand you want them to be authentic and have some control on the other hand…
It’s not personal information. It’s business information.
First of all the email was sent to HIM and he has a right to publish anything he wants that was sent to directly to him. There is nothing wrong with publishing a work contact information. That is not personal. It’s work and typically available in a company directory. Work contact information is not top secret.
Facebook will say:
We are very sorry for this technical difficulty. It was not related to Mr. King’s relationship with CNN.
Yeah well who built the pirate ship in Peter Pan??? Hmmmm... How about that Ben? It was Pirates!! Pirates did it and their ship could FLY! So there. There is that.
Pirates win.
Oh the version I wear every day has all of that and more...
An interesting perspective after a lengthy and weird conversation with my cousin’s conservative cop husband whom I normally never ever agree with on anything other than we both love my cousin.... until now....
If you want to make it more gross put it in the fridge overnight and then in the morning smell it.
This is bullshit. I know teenagers can be mouthy assholes. I just survived teenage girl drama and am now entering the land of teenage boys. I also was a high school kid and I remember being an asshole sometimes and I remember my friends being assholes. No adult came in and beat our asses in class for it.