
I have endo and fibroids and ovarian cysts (How the fuck I have 4 kids I have no god damn idea.. I should be sterile at this rate) and I have the Paragard now for almost 7 years with no real change in my system. I know everyone is different but for me it was totally fine and my inner woman parts are a shit show.

I feel the same way about my Paragard. I want everyone to have the IUD... I wish I could just pass them out with balloons and a hug.

I have the Paragard and my daughter has the Mirena and they both have been really positive experiences for both of us. I have a really hard time with any hormonal birth control because my body is just a shit show of hormone follies. Any change (even slight) to the natural flow of my insane hormones and I am just a

I’v fucking had it with these magazines and media oulets referring to black and latina women as “so and so’s baby mama” - it’s racist af! They don’t refer to Nichole Kidman as Tom’s Cruise’s “baby mama” or any white woman who has a child with any white man of any level of fame.

“it sounds like the inner workings of a very creative prankster. “

I don’t feel sad for her at all. At some point as a god damn adult with a soul you have to stand up and say “You know what? This shit is kind of fucked up. Excuse me crazy family can you all go away so I can act like a decent human being..”
But she doesn’t. It’s a shit show over there and the man deserves some privacy.

I can’t believe I am saying this but here goes...
The press conference by the police was worse than an episode of KUWTK.

That’s just your friend Connor acting like he’s the first motherfucker to hear a Common record and failing to realize that if Common or Talib Kweli make “music with a message,” then so did N.W.A.

It’s actually why we have them. I have 4 kids and I live for embarrassing moments. It makes it all worthwhile

All of this plus 3 more hours and a group blunt cypher in the parking lot = black funeral in black church.

I lost my best friend of over 20 years to her alcoholism. We helped birth one another’s babies... we spent every holiday together. We talked every day. She was the closest thing to a sister I ever had. Now I have nothing with her but sadness.
The last thing I ever said to her after several years of classic

When I help out at my kids school I notice a huge number of children who have no clue what to do in disappointing situations. They don’t know how to self sooth. Every bump and scrape is a 911 moment. Every time they hear “no” they cry or look stunned like it’s a foreign language. It’s hard for me to deal with. I am a

My job, that people pay me a lot of money for, is on the screen so yeah, mommy is on the screen and you need to go play. When people pay you money that feeds you and houses you and clothes you then you can be on the screen as much as mommy is.

please.... I used to eat while breastfeeding, make phone calls because it was the only time I knew my baby wouldn’t start screaming in the background while I argued with Comcast about their fucked up billing. Once I went pee while breastfeeding. I did everything while breastfeeding and yeah... I was on my phone too.

In the 70’s my cousin and I played outside while our parents smoked big fat joints and laughed, ate and took naps and had no clue what the fuck we were doing.

My daughter just turned 21 and she was at Disneyland for her birthday and confessed that she now realizes that I was a saint amongst saints for the endless hours and days and weeks and years I endured her singing and playing Mary Fucking Poppins. I then confessed I used to hide the tape (yes VHS) from her because I

I was a child of the 70’s and my mom and my aunt and uncle used to lock me and my cousin out of the house while they smoked a joint and had some God damn grown up time.

When I was a kid my lab puppy that I got for my birthday ate every present I ever got after that birthday: swing set, roller skates, bike, any and all board games, speak and spell, records (Yep I’m old because they were really records), Simone game with the batteries and my Holly Hobby play set at which point I

As an American I really want to be a Canadian.. But you guys won't take us. I don't blame you... We made Trump.

And snl writers need to stay employed. They've been having some bad seasons- now Trump can just write it all for them