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As a Muslim I take a million issues with pretty much everything Ben Carson has to say. I could write some deep and meaningful prose explaining the millions of factually wrong things he has said... BUT...

California is on fire. FUCK SUMMER.

I'm going to always spell tuna as tunah. Forever.

Maybe it’s because I’m a hippie from California and have no skills in east coast linguistics... but all I could see in my mind was Chris Farely doing this as an SNL skit

The Muppets ALWAYS had adult humor. That is why our parents watched it with us and the adult jokes flew over most of our heads. I mean come on, Gonzo was an unidentifiable creature who was madly in love with a chicken who often was running from him.. but then would snuggle and chicken-make-out with him.

Except Solono County has basically zero money. Vallejo has had city and school management taken over by the state and Feds a few times because they went broke. Vallejo is a hot mess. They were horrible to her in the local press. I hope so heads roll on this one in the VPD

I love that she was honest and just laid it all out on the table. It’s what I love about her and come to expect from her and all her bad assness. Serena doesn’t play respectibility politics and she kisses no ass. Men are never asked this question, in particular white men. Black men are still expected to tap dance and

Yes and what's funny is my son started reading that book for English class yesterday. Her character came up and I had to start laughing because of this article. That's it, I've already decided that I'm naming my next cat Cherry Valance.

Well now I want to!

There is no way a tiny baby girl was born and her parents looked at her and said “let’s name her Cherry...”

How can we make this happen? I really want him to go.

So at what point will Kentucky go through the process to remove her from office? It’s can’t be THAT hard.

It’s amazing how people can run for President of the United States and not have even a 4th grade level of knowledge of The Constitution and the basics of how it works. At a bare minimum buy this book and read it on the toilet before annoucing your run for office.

I’m a freaking hippie. I’m a home birthing, long term breast feeding, make my own organic baby food, hemp cloth diapering hippie..... And you know what all I want to ask this latest “I’m gonna birth in the ocean with dolphins” couple is “ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MINDS????!!!!!!!”

I love you for making my day magical with this comment. Thank you!

Me too. I would be so interested in what she had to say while watching Downton because I’m poor too and that means half the details fly over my poverty stricken head.

A friend of mine did this too and her mom is also a really good friend of mine and is just sick about her daughter turning intolerant holy roller on her. Here is what her mom and I did: unfollow. We are still friends but we don’t see any of her crazy ass shit. Your friend won’t change her mind because she drank all

How did he pass the bar exam and obtain a law degree?

I am positive these men would disagree that her sitting in her cell is ANYTHING like being in a holocaust concentration camp for you know.... oh.... being gay. Except they can’t because they were murdered in the holocaust... for being gay.