Ignatius Reilly's Valve

No influencers at all” wouldn’t be a bad thing.

Sometimes the naive teenager is a 14 year old highschooler, and sometimes the naive teenager is a 52 year old white collar worker.

there would be no influencers at all” I’m very interested in this alternate timeline, although I don’t know if it’s my hope for utopia or macabre fascination with what horror would replace influencers as we know them, driving it

The presumption in this country is innocence.

I think it’s simply that Jezebel hasn’t been granting pre-approved status much for quite some time (and it wouldn’t shock me if the issue wasn’t that the people who knew how to do it are no longer here, or simply Kinja “improvements”).

Russian trolls just keep getting stranger and stranger.

I think if anything this would give him MORE credibility with GOP voters. They love this stuff. He’s tough on terrorists. And you’re not allowed to talk about it in FL because it might make him feel bad about being a racist.

I don’t know about that... a large percentage of the MAGA cult is still 100% convinced Gitmo was an important and valuable tool, and that everyone who was there fully deserved everything that happened. It doesn’t matter that charges were never pressed, guilty by association (“This guy has the same skin tone as someone

He (like most of these clods) looks like Early Man...and is about as bright.

Sadly, I think this confirms his eventual nomination.

And good, moral Christian male legislators would like more information on this pill you speak of, specifically where one can obtain them and if they can be tasted when dissolved in a cocktail or in a female intern’s coffee.

This was in Texas.

These people know their audience. Specifics be damned, he just needs to “ask a question” about safety to send them into a frothing mess. He could just as easily have said “there’s a of lot risk involved with milk/tap water/ sitting down to poop” and people who buy into this bull would immediately google it and become

While your fun fact gets at a deep truth about the GQP, one the one hand, you already had groups like Club for Growth Action already lining up to back this turd [1], and on the other, you have a primary electorate who could as easily favor Trump administration Hatch Act exemplar (and fellow House member from Montana)

Fun Fact: This probably has just secured him the Senate nomination in 2024.

Now playing

I do love it when they look as stupid as the shit that comes out of their mouth.

People (usually) aren’t using this constantly, there’s a reason it’s Plan B and not Plan A.

I’m too exhausted by all this shit to comment on the stupid, infuriating substance of it yet again. So I'll just note that the photo above is a strong contender already for this century's most punchable face. 

While Rosendale represents Montana’s newly regained second congressional district [1], it’s probably his previous job, Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance, State Auditor [2], that makes his professed ignorance especially galling.

Coward fucking doctors! Stand the fuck up! One of the reasons abortion became legal in the first place is because doctors defied an unjust law & provided the care that their oath obligates them to deliver.