Ignatius Reilly's Valve

Same. Farewell, sweet Jezzies. Been a pleasure.

Indeed. I’m a treat.

Aaaaand here we go again. For the people in the back who didn’t hear or understand the first twelve times: Biden doesn’t have to LIKE abortion in order to protect it as a matter of policy. That’s not how government works. The only thing I can gather from this continuing nonsense is that you’d prefer he outright lie

I feel like the nepo baby thing only comes up when the talent is in question. For all Jamie Lee Curtis complains about the nepo baby issue (and maybe it was a thing for her around the original Halloween era, I don’t know), it’s been decades since anyone questioned the fact that she was just loaded with talent and

No no...the burning books prove she’s one of the good ones.


I mean, viability is just a word...sadly, babies born that early usually need serious time in the NICU and sometimes don’t survive even so. But it’s the point where they’re supposed to theoretically have sufficient heart/lung/brain development to survive on their own, barring other issues.

Because, shockingly, working for Ben Shapiro’s film company didn’t go so well...

Honestly (not to be catty), the shirt she’s wearing in that video tells me that competitive Candy Crush is possibly all she’s suited for.

I wasn’t dreaming of Rick Brattin being implanted by the chestburster, YOU were dreaming of Rick Brattin being implanted by the chestburster!

The worst thing is, I think a lot of people, particularly men, understand that on a logical level. They just can’t be bothered to vote against other things they like in order to prevent all women from becoming second-class citizens again. That’s why referendums win the right to abortion every time in red states, but

Honestly, I don’t have hard numbers either. But the fact is that most pregnancies are considered to hit viability somewhere around 7 months. Doctors WON’T do an abortion at that point unless there’s some kind of medical risk to mother or baby (in the good old days, anyway), and then it’s not an abortion but a

Agree. I should have said: people who consider themselves moderates.

Only some scenes...I didn’t know either, but the last time I watched it, I kept thinking her voice reminded me of something, and when I googled it, they had dubbed her in at least some places. You can really hear it if you’re looking for it; san Giacomo has such a deep, throaty voice.

Spot on. Hell, maybe she thought it was a plain old secretarial job at first and just kind of bullshitted the rest once she realized she was running for something.

Absolutely. But the GOP has done very well at convincing a bunch of Americans who should know better that all third-trimester abortions are because women wake up one day and just change their minds. 

Samesies. Like, I absolutely would not wish forced pregnancy on anyone...and yet...

I’m pretty sure if we took all these rape statements and boiled them down to their essence, we’d get the true heart of the GOP: “Just let us rape.”

I see two LGBTQ+-friendly sex ed books about to shoot to the top of Amazon. Way to help the so-called “groomers”, MAGA dingbat.

Too generous. This is only 1/3 of them. The other 2/3 is the much more deliberate and sinister “Because I need a sperm receptacle who will also provide free housework, childcare, and cooking.”