I’m happy that Jezebel has survived the evil of herb.
I’m happy that Jezebel has survived the evil of herb.
Or he could:
No one cares enough. People start complaining that their popcorn books/films/TV deserve more critical acclaim because they want to have good taste and be validated in their choices, not because someone is pointing at them and laughing as they read or watch.
You sound like a delight
Oh, yippee! Can’t wait to read all about this!
Vito Barbieri looks about how I’d expect a guy who asks questions like this would look.
Ah, okay, thanks for the added insight.
In fairness, I believe it is a serious faux pas to disparage any aspect of someone’s outfit, when they’ve taken the time to coordinate their boots and their flamethrower.
I’ve been going nuts since 2016.
Oh, interesting, I didn’t know that ~seven months = viability, or that doctors wouldn’t do an abortion after that.
I find some humor with the image of her winning (let’s face it, she is an R in missouri, she is going to win) and arguing with the receptionist on the first day because, no, *she* is secretary of state and just won a whole election about it. Then sitting there and wondering if it is Mr. State or Mrs. State before…
Okay, thanks. I really didn’t know how to Google that breakdown of third-trimester abortions, but the seeming illogic of carrying a pregnancy for 7-9 months and then deciding it just isn’t for you is kind of glaring. At least to me. Not that it can’t happen—and I want to say “not that it shouldn’t happen”, because…
And yet... And YET...
If God doesn’t make mistakes, why did he flood the world and kill everyone but Noah and his family. That sure sounds like a “gee I fucked up and need to start over" to me.
Don’t forget all the articles under that.
Maybe I’m giving them all too much credit, but I’m assuming polling has told Biden he might scoop some votes out of this demographic by sharing the fact that he’s not personally a fan.
That would not be a moderate demographic.
I really wish it surprised me when people didn’t understand that “freedom of speech” protects you from the government and not private businesses.
wait ... I thought she said she was glad to be off the show? That her career was going to thrive free of her woke shackles? What happened? Why does she want to work for a woke company?