Well, I’m glad you’re qualified to decide who is or is not a “real” artist lol
I want that car with a twisted, tormented passion.
The Murcielago has definitely aged well, and I’d also add on that it may be the best “well-rounded” Lamborghini - modern enough to be reliable, refined and easy to operate, but just old enough to retain a traditional manual transmission, have less electronic aid, and being that it was build well into the V.A.G. years,…
All of you rich people buy manual M2s so the market will be flooded with them in 8 years when I can afford a used one. None of those lame ass automatics, GOT IT? I don’t care what YOUR needs are, think about MY needs.
That was really desperate. WeatherTech must have threatened to pull their ads or something.
My *wife* will not accept an automatic equipped car, and neither should anyone else who gives fuck one about actually driving.
BMW “killed it” and we “let it die”?
So what? Ever driven an M6? Its a heavy ass car with a “big” ass engine. I would HATE to have to operate that monster clutch in Seattle traffic, where it would spend 99% of its life.
This is just personal opinion but I really don’t consider the interior “minimalist heaven.” Usually that not only means the subject is simple but is also elegant in its simplicity. The horizontal shelf that is the dashboard with a GIANT FUCKING TABLET COMPUTER staring at you from the center looks vaguely futuristic…
STOP IT, JUST STOP! why do you guys keep trying to convince us the Renegade is cool and trail worthy? Both Jeep and Chryslers reliability ratings are in the toilet and their new offerings look like the guys from the AMC days are back drawing stuff up. I don’t care how much they paid you, knock it off. The King has no…
On another story someone mentioned that the screen is better then say a mercedes as it’s “not just tacked on on top of the dash”, but.....
“sold” isn’t the correct term though. They will have a hard time delivering those too. I reserved. I can get my $1000 at any point if I choose too. Big difference between $1000 now or $35-50k now.