
And fortunately for Tesla, their customers don’t seem to care what they did yesterday. The mediocre, overpriced Roadster. The many many many quality issues with the Model S. If any other car company had issues at the rate the Model S did, they’d take a decade to recover in consumer’s eyes.

A Chevy Bolt? Oh God, no. No. The Chevy Bolt’s like a Compaq, this is a Macbook. That’s the difference.

Never had a car and your first one is $35,000? Maaaaybe start with a beater and work your way up. Also, who has enough money that they jump between a Honda Fit and a Tesla, and maybe you’ll give it to your mom and use it every now and then. “Mom, I was going to get you a Malibu, but figured this Jaguar might be good

“You ask why not a BMW, Mercedes? We want a technology company that builds a car, not a car company that tries to build technology.”

Question about the title…Why specify human technology? What other species are we considering?

Two feet shorter, sweet!

“Hmmm, I think I may back my Maybach into a Maybach."

EPA: We’ll get to the lead poisoned water in Flint right after we crush these cars.

They don’t do shit. They add some wide ass fenders and wheels. that’s 90% of their “builds”.

So, Bendy Bus X7?

I’m not a convertible dude so this isn’t on my radar, but I bought a JCW mini hardtop knowing full well for the same 30-34k there were rwd alternatives.

Minis have nicer interiors and at least a token rear seat. The styling is way different, too, and some people prefer the Mini.

Yeah I don’t understand why they used that bike. Isn’t 128 bhp what you get out of a modern 600cc?

are you saying you’re stuck to it and need some help?

Good. I always hated the “star in a reasonably priced car” segment. Very rarely did they have cool guests, instead featuring some vapid celebrity fuckwit I couldn’t give two shits about, blathering on about how little they know or care about cars.

I’d say they’ve got a little development to go on that wiper system!

Also, so you don’t have to say it:

Proposed Jalopnik crime division: Jacopnik

I really like these. The Discovery/LR3 and 4 really make driving feel like an adventure. In that the view from the cockpit looks “hardcore safari” and you’re like; “what’s going to break this time?!