So Emotional

cgo, this might be confusing but even though it seems that I am replying to myself here I am not. This reply is intended for you.

@KinjaHelpDesk How do I delet this reply??? to me

Want to know something that will really blow your mind? It’s not that the earth is flat, that’s ridiculous and easily debunkable. The earth is concave and “space” is just the ceiling. The under side of earth, the convex part, is filled with all the mechanics needed to orchestrate what we call “life” on this “planet.”

The left wing has the entire establishment elite behind it. If you think it’s just Soros and a few other boogeymen you only know because the right never shuts up about them - rightfully - then you are mistaken. It’s not just money either, it’s access. Did you know that Eric Schmidt offered, wasn’t asked but offered,

Russia colluded with Trump to steal our democracy. It wasn’t just Hillary’s turn god dammit. It was our turn, all of ours. And Putin stole that from us. So I’m boycotting Russia now. Sorry.

Because England knows it’s a fool’s errand. Nobody has ever even been to space, let alone landed something on the moon. Not only is the moon fake, space itself is fake. 



This is the best story of the day! And one of the few I was completely unaware of. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. This has sent me smiling into the weekend.

A Bernie Bro like yourself shot up the GOP Baseball game... stop smoking reefer for just one month and you will see ENORMOUS benefits to your memory.


You again. Great. Back to my dashboard to find someone else to talk to.

Nothing scares me when I have a Mossberg behind each leather clad bucket seat in my Range homeboy, glock on the dash, Mac 50 and Tech 9s in the center console and Desert Eagle 50 cals littering the damn floor wassa wassa.

Well take it from me fam there is little reason to carry your AR (stands for Assault Rifle btw) into Starbucks or the grocery store even though a grocery store in Paris was the scene of a terrorist attack not too long ago. the point is, i Get your point.

Never thought I’d see the day where a real ASTRANOUT... just, wow

You are really saying that violence in Chicago is the fault of the police? That’s hilarious.

Wait what he’s a ASTRONAUT??????????????? That means if I don’t vote for her I’m the stupid one. A real life ASTRONAUT, amasing.

full stop

Earl, Plague Lovers already made this comment. 

Sounds like you are just very frightened. Don’t be.