So Emotional

That is happening right now here in Baltimore. The cops are sitting back and letting the gang bangers shoot each other and random bystanders.  I think there were like 3 or 4 triple shootings last weekend alone.  Meanwhile packs of “teens” swarm the inner harbor and attack random white people.

A story about billionaires’ priorities: Tom Steyer, a major donor to progressive causes, left Center for American Progress’ board to spend millions running for president. Today CAP shuttered its news site, ThinkProgress, because it couldn’t find a patron. Steyer’s apparently now offering writers jobs...on his campaign

Fuck off moron.

That is already happening and I support it, fully.  The entire arguement that cops intentionally murder innocent POCs is facetious. 

Wow this is so amazing and powerful and brave that little girls will also be destroying their brains by playing football. OMGosh this is literally like so woke and awesome that girls - literally weaker people - will go onto the football field and be tackled by grown men! ugh all the feels (heart emoji)

I used to get really stoked for football, but the last few years I just can’t stand just being home and watching tv on Sundays when I could be out enjoying the fall weather. In the past I’d go on some nice long bike rides, but last year and this year I’ve gotten into cyclocross bike racing, which is super fun off road

By all means, change the business model. The direct effect of that will be the immediate end of both companies.  As always, the virus of unionism sucks the blood out of the host until it collapses.  The virus kills the host.