
Is it too much to hope for a remake or continuation?

Is it me or does Tuesday seem like it's taking far too long. I need to pick up my TE stick tomorrow.

@N-Robes: i totally wish you would've marked that one part about the person who dies in the DLC as a spoiler.

@Gaff: Close, if this were a Hollywood movie. Professor Light would be trying to build a robot to replace his long lost son. Then after being kidnapped by Wily he has to go on a worldwide chase to find and save him, but when he runs low on energy he needs to refill his battery pack with Duracell batteries. When he

@NoahIdea: Yea! Snarky Snarkerson!

The real question is, when will the Harley Quinn Real Doll be released?

@Altima NEO: once you see it, you cannot unsee it.

@exion: dun dun dun dun duuuuun!

@Witzbold: lmfao! That picture is indeed amazing.

@jayntampa: but in the context of this article we are talking about war zones, because if that's the case tons of women are in war games, but they are always in the position of guidance through radio.

@jayntampa: I believe he said "women have been serving admirably in war zones" not "in war" in war sure. But, did you know women aren't allowed to become infantry? Till this day. So if in this modern age of blistering feminism, what makes you think that back before women suffrage women did anything pertaining to

@Bluevane: lol, I hope so I lol'd.

really!? fuuuuuuuuuck I need to buy a ps3

@RammyX: I totally feel you on this, I think when people complain about MW v BC it's like complaining about McDonalds v Burger King, they are competing for the same title. As for the game itself, I haven't been able to stop playing it. I love the multiplayer!

@McGreed: holy crap, I know what you're talking about! I have turtle beach ear force X3 headphones and my head almost exploded when that sound came on !

I hope this means farmtown linkage in the future! lol. I bet if that happened xboxs and ps3s would sell like crazy!