@alexkidd85: though I doubt anyone broke the law, I stand by your "wait this out" theory.
@alexkidd85: though I doubt anyone broke the law, I stand by your "wait this out" theory.
@Mit: I would believe so, but maybe not. If I was a game programmer in a tight knit studio like you stated, I would've grown a bond to my boss and want to keep him as my boss (and hopefully someday my co-worker) if I can, but add in the harsh economic times and the children the other devs have to feed and the option…
@Cptn.PaxtonAstypalaea(ColonialMarine): do that again! I would love to try that out! @ create your own adventure.
@Showmeyomoves!: muwhahaha the powers of the interwebz saved me from the face!
@jimmuhpage: bom dia!
@Michael Dukakis: @Manly_McBeeferton
i have to say that's pretty awesome you have a chance to say that. I owe california $9 and i feel like they have been screwing me all last year! I didn't mind though, since Uncle Sam gave me $957! Meaning i was finally able to pick up a new mixer. I'll probably burn the last of it on a new PC or PS3
@Owen Good: everything that is broken, can be fixed :D
@Owen Good: hopefully i can delete those other comments
let's try this again.
@Owen Good: done and doner.
@Evdor: Well like you said, they need to protect copyright if they want to keep it. Then you went on to say you doubt they would ever want to continue the series. So....after compiling that data in my brain systems I come out with the results, they shouldn't really care. But, say they did want to protect the…
that smile...it almost looks like.....is it?
I always think it's funny when I hear "realistic" modern warfare. Did we forget how boring actual warfare really is?
@Duin: I actually feel for once it's relevant, at the beginning of this article he stated he was going to try and clarify whether it can stand up to MW2 which means comparisons are needed. I think that with a heavy hitter like MW2 the only FPS worth playing are ones better than it.
@legendnthemaking: I always love to believe gaming companies have bad blood against each other, it makes me feel like they're fighting for my love.
@deanbmmv: hahah, that what I was getting ready to post, because I would think it would be totally ludicrous if you couldn't run halo 2 on 7
@stuartng: No, but I have seen the original Dragon Knight and this is pretty bad lol.
@gundaman: haha, the American version was just too cheesy compared to the Japanese one. Whenever they film an American version of a ranger/metal hero type show it always feels like it is done tongue-in-cheek.
@MichaelPalin: hahaha, seriously though, it seems like the only controller truly built for fps. It's like the thrustmaster for console fpses. :D