Tell that to DayZ fans.
Tell that to DayZ fans.
This was an amazing read. I love your writing and your attitude about the whole thing. Something I find on Facebook is that a lot of your HS friends will hate you for your stances and remain friends. I had a friend tell me that one of our other HS friends messaged her saying “Ify’s just trying to find out who’s…
I almost agreed with you. Fassbender is German, so even having him play a Spanish character is bullshit. Not to mention a crutch set up to pass up on an opportunity to cast a POC. “Oh, Spanish people look white, so it’s cool to cast a white person in this role” I’m still probably going to check it out, but I don’t…
I mean, if you’re an extreme optimist, this confirms that Santa is real. His elves carve out PS4s draw dicks on them, and give them to kids so that Target can give them real PS4s, $100, and the Nathan Drake Collection. Santa loves Nathan Drake.
my rig is very similar to yours so let me know how it runs for you.
Is that your problem? That someone had a problem with something said and spoke up about it? Also, I wouldn’t classify GG as a “free speech advocacy” group.
There are a lot of valid points, but there are a lot of points that are asking why Fallout 4 didn’t just use what other games have done? Are you actually confused as to why Bethesda would want to create a system that stands out as it’s own or are you just frustrated? Like someone else mentioned, you can zoom in to the…
Just by reading the headline I knew it was Dunkey.
No one is stealing. Stealing requires you to take ownership of the property. They aren’t doing that at any point. As a matter of fact, they’re making it extremely clear where it came from.
1. You’re completely wrong. That isn’t how tv ad revenue works and you built a false equivelency.
I’m just assuming you only use things you make, since you know, buying the product funds the creative endeavor.
You seem to be lost on the idea of suspension of disbelief. There’s a point when you’re playing a game where you forget it’s a game and get lost in the activity. So, yes, you’ll get scared of something that can’t hurt you. It isn’t a hard concept to understand.
I feel like this game got a raw deal. If Mad Max happened to be a run of the mill “fun” action movie you could probably pass this off, but Mad Max was amazing! The worse part about it, is that I feel like it’s missing the main feature that made the movie exciting. Huge chaotic chases! I felt the chase scenes in the…
True, but I meant. As far as their relationship has been portrayed past this show, this episode, and in future runs. They rarely ever show the Joker get violent with her, so it’s odd that they choose to do it now.
I feel like this is what people felt with other alternative measures and it worked just fine.
I think your missing the fact that this was a BIG moment, this wasn’t run of the mill Joker and Harley.
I think the one thing that GOG has over Steam at the current moment is the money back guarantee. My biggest gripe with Steam is not being able to get my money back if the game is too glitchy to play.
I think the problem here is that since FF XV was realize people have been vocalizing what they disliked about the game. The fighting style, the way characters look, the car, but the moment someone mentioned too many dude, every got extremely defensive. How can you sit there and criticize a game because the characters…
The reason there wasn't outrage for FFX-2 is because the all female cast was fan service. We don't know who these dudes are. but if there was a FFVII-2-version alpha-cloud's dream-max game that only had Cloud, Barrett, and Cid, people would be fine with it.