
I can offer some ideas since I was like you. Exactly like you...
Growing up I was never popular or that fun to be around. Only had a handful of friends and they were into video games and anti-social like me. At clubs and bars I seem to repel women, and since I’ve always been skinny, other guys would out-Alpha me out of

I am not exactly sure how this website works.

Yes, yes they did. With UE4, you don’t have to compile everything over again:

And the thread that wouldn’t die continues, lol. I just wanted to thank you for all of your posts over the years. I’ve recently started treatment for anxiety and depression and I was almost in exactly the same place you were when you made your first post; I was recently separated and going through a divorce, working

I read all of the post and repleis here and i had to right something my self .

sorry if nascar counts games gotta count

review doesn’t like a game, badmouths the game.

TB is the only ethical one in the conversation.

I mean it is his job to be a game critic... so why not take his opinion seriously?

In conclusion, Twitter is the worst.

Seems to me like recusing yourself due to recognition of your own bias is being a professional.

I suggest you read the article again if you don’t understand why in fact the only professional thing to do in this situation is to recuse yourself from coverage of the title due to fears of perceived bias.

Yeah, so Totalbiscuit’s initial tweet was totally rational and reasonable. He didn’t call the game terrible, he simply said it wasn’t for him. The response from the developer was kinda’ out of line.

in this case, the man killed himself because he accidentally slept with a trans-woman.

Nintendo is not legally allowed to dictate those terms though.

I laughed when you condescendingly put down gaming YouTubers, collectively asserting nothing any of them do is creative. Thank god for people like you who have a firm grasp of every YouTuber ever and what is and is not “creative”.

That’s how I feel, too. It’s different from a commentary track, which you can release separately from the product itself, because the way you PLAY the product has a direct impact on your commentary and criticism.

I don’t understand why you Nintendo fans constantly need to justify the way that company acts. If this was EA, you’d be insulting them left and right, calling EA all sorts of names. But since it’s Nintendo, oh no, we can’t talk bad about Nintendo, they’re completely innocent!

I understand you are not able to use someone’s products and likeness to profit, however, when someone is watching someone like Angry Joe, they are watching it for him, not the reviewed product. He is the product. The corporate attitude that no one can use their name or product is akin to saying if Jerry Seinfeld has a

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No. Dick-shaped is just the best we can come up with for overcoming drag. It's actual rocket science. I'm totally on your side if you wanna talk about the washington monument and hotdogs and other things that are dick-shaped for no functional reason, but rockets have to be dick-shaped. At least, if they start off in