My world does revolve around me, just as yours revolves around you.
My world does revolve around me, just as yours revolves around you.
I think there is a quote...”fear is the mind killer”. Ya, it does not make sense. But what I know is better than the unknown in many ways. I think I am just screwed up in the brain. I am going to again try to find a doctor and some pills and if some brain chemicals can get fixed maybe doing the other stuff will be…
“What helped me is not thinking about “why” so much.”
The pit has been dug. I look up and cant think on how to escape it...even then...would it really be worth it?
Nothing much has changed. Different job, same patterns. The circle gets tighter. Everything becomes the same.
More reflective sure. Happier...hell no. Cynical, tired, depress, fed up with self preservation...yes. There are sometimes weeks I feel decent...but then things just crash down and feel like shit. If only these headaches would go away life would be so much better.
Might have some, but I dont have a issue focusing on a task so long as that task is interesting or keeps me engaged. Like if it is a problem at work that needs solving (I just spent 4 days on one). I think depression is the bigger issue.
I dont read Kotaku any more so this is a year late. But no...I’m really not. Another year, another job and the circle is even tighter. I just want things to end.
I did sports in grade school and high school. I rode my bike alot before I had a car and while I was in Japan for a summer and had to walk a ton in college just to get to and from class. Maybe I am suffering from recall bias but I dont remember it doing much. Maybe it helped keep it down a bit so it was not so…
“Find the purpose for your life”
Center of mass, structural integrity, minimal forward profile...all lead to a “phallic” design.
This reply is coming a year late because I do not really read Kotaku any more. But I’ll post it anyways.
In an article praising Final Fantasy XI it would be nice if you would actually use screenshots from that game instead of FFXIV.
And that is something I lack. Alot.
But, and I am only a Kerbal level rocket scientist, it is safer to keep as much mass as possible on a direct line to the propulsion system to avoid tangential forces (aka, things snapping off). This is assuming no fancy structural integrity field stuff. I think that EVE and other sci-fi ship designs are designed…
But, and I am only a Kerbal level rocket scientist, it is safer to keep as much mass as possible on a direct line to the propulsion system to avoid tangential forces (aka, things snapping off). This is assuming no fancy structural integrity field stuff. I think that EVE and other sci-fi ship designs are designed…
True, we really dont know much about exo-atmosphere propulsion. But, and I am only a Kerbal level rocket scientist, it is safer to keep as much mass as possible on a direct line to the propulsion system to avoid tangential forces (aka, things snapping off).
It is not so much that I dont know how to use a weapon, but that everything I read on forms lead me to believe they are shit compared to missiles, which Caldari specialize in with most of their ships.
What are you even on about? Have you heard of a little thing called atmospheric drag? The more surface area and the less aerodynamic the shape is the more energy is needed to push the payload. You add a few small wings for stability and strap a big ass engine on the bottom of it.
That is what reviewers do. They make money by showing off things other people made. How is Kotaku any different then Angry Joe?