
What defines “creatives” for you then? They produce a variety of audio/video content.

Fictional characters should be allowed to be whatever-phobic in the fictional setting.

Fictional characters should be allowed to be whatever-phobic in the fictional setting.

Fictional characters should be allowed to be whatever-phobic in the fictional setting.

Is there more from where that came from?

Exactly. When I used to pirate alot, it would mostly be for a demo of the game. If I got a few hours in and still enjoyed it then I'd buy it.

Those services also prevent modding and reduce graphics quality (unless you have like a 1GB/s connection to their server) and massively increase input lag (which for a game like Skylines would not be an issue, but almost any other game it would be).

Too many NIMBY people. Apparently wind generators ruin landscapes. Which is odd, because one of the most beautiful landscapes I saw while driving through Wyoming was a field of wind generators on the plains.

I went to 2 PAX parties before. Both were so crowded you could barely move with music so loud I thought my ears were going to bleed.

Just randomly talking to people is hard for some people (including myself). I tend to be silent 90% of the time even when with my friends at PAX.

Same here. I'v thought the same about PAX and GenCon. But I just have no idea how to talk to people I dont already know. As it is I dont talk much even with people I know, mostly because I dont feel like I have anything to say. Then add the whole "opposite sex" thing into the mix and my default is to just stay quiet

Even real space ships are super phallic. It is just the most efficient design for rocket propulsion.

Oh the Rokh...such a lovely ship. I always wanted to fly one. Too bad hybrid weapons were always shit compared to everything else. "lol caldari only uses missiles noob."

One copy of Minecraft = $26.90, number of pieces to play with...unlimited.

Money might not be able to buy happiness, but having it sure helps when your unhappy.

On one side you have developers like Notch, on the other you have Peter Molyneux. I'd take a Notch any day.

The point is that you shouldn't be taking your hands off the wheel to be poking at things.

It is extremely valuable option for 2 types of people.

Piracy wins when it is more convenient (or actually available) to pirate then to buy legally.

What about interpolation? I thought animations relied on "key frames" and everything between was interpolated by the computer.