Saw that video the other day on Reddit. It was very cool to see how the game has changed/evolved in the past almost 10 years.
Saw that video the other day on Reddit. It was very cool to see how the game has changed/evolved in the past almost 10 years.
And FFX did it great as well. Being able to see how your chosen attack would affect the order of everyone and planing synergies around good.
Dissidia alone was worth buying a PSP for.
They are not dressing provocatively, they are dressing as the character. The character just happens to provocative.
Patch size is no indication as to how screwed up something is. It is an indication as to WHAT was screwed up. Some files have to be replaced completly for one reason or another.
I'v cut down on my pop drinking. Was at 3 cans a day, down to 1-1.5 cans/day but I also end up drinking 2 cups of sugared tea instead.
I'v looked at FATE about 4 times and I just cannot wrap my head around the terminology. Aspects? Invoking? Stunts? I just get completely lost. A friend of mine is going to be starting up a campaign next week which I will try to play in. Maybe if I actually play it I can understand it some.
How does Nintendo own the rights to "every single action you can take"?
Ya. Partners take their cut. With Nintendo's "deal", Nintendo would take a cut on top of the partner cut (before the partner cut I think).
That sounds a bit more interesting. Maybe I'll grab it next Steam sale if I am in the mood for mindless violence.
I'm serious about the soda though. If anyone wants to lose weight and they drink any type of soda, coffee/tea with sugar, etc....just stop that. It's usually enough to have the weight start coming off.
Depending on class and start summoning things around level 7.
Then "man up" and be the DM. I was trying to find a group online for about 3 months before I took up the mantle of being a GM. I played ONE RPG before (a one-shot at GenCon) and never GM'd ever. Now I find being a player boring as hell.
Aside from 3 games I ran at GenCon last year I have only played online using Skype and Roll20. It is great when your hours are flexible. I have people from GB, Denmark, Australia, and 2 USA time zones all playing at least 6hrs every week.
As a tool I highly recommend Roll20. I have not had to go there to find a group yet however. I'v mostly used and (itmeJP runs a Twitch channel with a TON of roll play streams).
You can play games online with your friends super easy via Roll20 and Skype.
Ya. People really need to expand their horizons. I'v only been GMing for about 14 months and I'v gone through 5 different systems because I keep wanting to try different things.
Check out Dungeon World. The rules are very simple and can amount to the GM saying "roll the dice" and telling them what happens. However I have never played with people that young so YMMV.
Or you could just use
Yep there is (and I am very disapointed the article did not mention it). You can find players at and and use Roll20 + Skype to play. There is also a Twitch Streamer who streams a TON of RPG content over all and his community at that is how I…