
I'm still constantly surprised that this post keeps getting responses going on 5 years after the first post. Maybe there is some meaning in that....

That is the problem with showing in-progress footage. Either people are pissed because you dont give them information or they get pissed because what they get is not done.

My mechanical keyboard has no larger spaces between the keys then my last non-mechanical one.

"Men and boys" mean "XY" chromosome.

"Hit the gym" and do what and how much?

It is a good indication as to how well a game preforms on your system. Being able to see it in-game easily lets you tweak video settings and see the impact they have on them in performance.

Out of the greys for you!

I want to buy that when it is under $10. It is a very beautiful game, but everything I read about the gameplay makes it sound boring.

I guess you missed the fact that Transistor, Valiant Hearts, Bravely Default, and Hohokum were on the list along with games that needed technological prowess.

Ya, I find Smite a ton eaiser to control then LOL or DOTA. Being able to just push S and have my character move backwards instead of clicking on the correct area while also trying to aim a attack with the mouse in LOL or DOTA.

Yep. I'm more of a TB fan myself, but I dont have any issue with people choosing to watch Pewdiepie, I just chose not to watch him.

Well...none of the VR things are out for consumers yet. The Rift is still a developer version.

Does that stick have full 3 axis movement (roll, pitch, yaw)? I remember looking for a joystick years ago and could never find a reasonable priced 3 axis stick.

I dont know what the prices are like on Steam, but before it was on Steam they had incremental price increases as more and more features were added to the game. If you bought it with fewer features then you got it cheaper. This is how early access should be done, the price should be what the game is worth now and not

I prefer "Thou shalt provide Borderless Windowed mode."

What is wrong with "swearwords"? If anything...they add to character/personality.

I'v never found his "negative" first impressions (they are not reviews!) scalding. Maybe it is just me however and when a game is a piece of shit I prefer to have it called a piece of shit and for what reasons then "oh..well it is ok...7/10".

as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions.

And the PC version will run at 60+fps whereas the consoles will be locked at 30.

It is a hash tag...anyone can post to it.