The way I see it is that when mages want freedom then they get desperate and turn to blood magic and the like. If mages were treated as people instead of animals then maybe they would not feel the need to turn to the dark arts.
The way I see it is that when mages want freedom then they get desperate and turn to blood magic and the like. If mages were treated as people instead of animals then maybe they would not feel the need to turn to the dark arts.
Well if the game was good then the review would not be negative. A bad game does not deserve revenue. An informed consumer is bad for the publisher because then the consumer will not buy just any trash they put out.
No, it is a journalism ethics movement.
There has been harassment on both sides of the issue.
I have been so hyped for FF15 since it was announced as FFv13 but I agree with you, the encoding was complete shit.
Thanks for the translation.
How do they get dirty easier the any other keyboard?
The noise can be cut down by using different switches. The biggest advantage of mechanical keyboards is KNOWING that you pressed the key enough (when it makes the click). So, subconsciously you can change to another key faster because you feel/hear the click.
I am saying that it is getting more and more interest from more and more different demographics.
Ya, I agree that the point GamerGate is being over shadowed by the shit being done by the fringe (or maybe people who are just doing it for the lolz and using GamerGate as a cover).
When I messed with UDK a few years ago I discovered I had to shut down the whole thing and recompile code every time I made a small change. That is not really conducive to me learning things and trying out different ways of doing things rapidly. In Unity I can change hit play test for 5 min then stop and change it…
Why were they removed from the minimap then?
Because in most games you dont have very fine control over your character and in many cases the controls get in the way (be it wonky camera controls, mouse acceleration, etc). This means there needs to be SOME margin of error.
Very true. I guess it does help by only having a hand full of weapons. Then each weapon can be completely different from each other instead of having 13 assault rifles that are only slightly different from each other.
In real life I have very fine control over my actions and the movement of my entire body.
I hope it does. Would be kinda funny (in a very sad way) for Kotaku not post something their EiC was directly involved in.
Yes it was. The whole thing started with journalistic integrity. While the initial event turned out to be a fabrication the demand (and need) for more disclosure is still there.
Because the traditional media who need to respond to the journalistic integrity discussion have decided to instead focus on the very fringe of GamerGate and the harassment that goes on.
It's a shame that the #gamergate crowd allowed the discussion to get reframed so easily as an "anti-women in games" movement.
And this is a point I think everyone, pro-GG and anti-GG and neutral, can agree on.