
Thanks alot. It does sound like Unity is the one I want to start learning. I do prefer to program then do something like blueprints (by the sounds of it).

I thought UDK was upgraded to UE4..or is the UDK and UE3/UE4 two completely separate things?

So alot of consepts you learn in Unity can carry over to UE4? I'v been thinking about building a prototype game recently but I always get stuck on deciding if I should use Unity or UDK/UE4.

Looks good. I'v been kicking around a prototype game in my head for the past few months and I'v been getting ready to sit down and learn an engine so I can start making it and I always start debating to myself between Unity and UDK.

You can download and publish games with the free version and no % fee. The free version does have some engine restrictions on it which may or may not be critical.

Didn't UDK used to be free for a basic license that did not give you the source code and you only had to pay the 5%?

When did they add a subscription? The engine used to be free to download and you just had to start paying a % after a certain amount of sales.

And yet Gawker employs people who encourage bulling of people who have likely been bullied much of their lives.

And again I wonder why that is the issue. People are sensitive about different things. Height, weight, relationship status, why do any of these things matter in this argument?

because only a certain amount of data can be moving through lines at any given point in time

Once a connection is established between two points to cost to run that connection 24/7 is negligible. The almost same electricity is being used regardless if you download 1 gig a month of 500 gigs a month because you still have to have that near 100% uptime. It is not like the whole network between your house and the

I think the game looks interesting. I wish teen-age me had this game to vent the rage I felt at the world instead of suppressing everything. I think this would be a nice pressure valve for people.

And the problem with that is....?

Ah, you never mentioned the different corners.

Why are bandwidth caps even a thing? It is not like 1's and 0's are a limited resource like water.

What was the legal issue exactly?

Why does it sound like you are implying that all heterosexual males who never had sex would stoop so low as to send death threats to people over the internet?

Could say the same thing about sports.

I'm almost 30. Am I a grown up? If so, then I am a grown up who plays video games.

Could you avoid the insults and respond like a mature person?