
I wish I went to your high school. I was in high school in the early '00 and got shit on for the simple fact that I was not into sports and liked to read in class. I kept my like of video games a closely guarded secret. No clue what people would have done to me if they had known.

Now playing

I know alot of people around here dont like TotalBiscuit but he makes it perfectly clear right at the start of his videos if it is a sponsored video or not. See below for an example.

Why does it have to continue to be acceptable? Why cant we have change?

I just hope Beyond Earth manages to integrate as much story and lore into the game as AC did. I loved the mission popups every few decades showing the increase in Planet activity and the discovery of the Gia consciousness.

It was in Civ2 as well. In fact Alpha Centari takes place after the ending of Civ2.

Isn't the blessing by a Russian Orthodox priest part of the pre-launch procedure when Russia sends a Soyuz capsule to the ISS?

Or maybe she was the example of being lucky because she was young? She looked to be in her mid or late teens. Unless people have genius level IQ then people who are chosen for their skills and strength would be chosen in their mid to late 20s or later.

People shouldn't use hashtags at all. Twitter is the worst place to attempt to have any kind of conversation because replies are limited to 140 characters. It is impossible to convey complex and nuanced ideas in 140 characters.

And the fact that it is about so many different things is all the more reason that GamerGate needs to die already. It is impossible to have a rational conversation when no one knows what the topic of the conversation is. On top of that Twitter is THE WORST place to have a conversation.

Dont people in tournaments use card sleeves? Those would cover up the card back.

What about card sleeves?

What if you sleeve your cards? How would someone tell if it has a different back? Or is card sleeveing not permitted in tournaments?

Fair point. But the framerate variation can be larger at higher framerates. Like you said, it is easy to notice the framerate moving between 60 and 40 but harder to notice 100 to 80 change.

Do you mean "consistent framerate" instead of "smooth framerate" because then I could agree. Having a consistent framerate is important, but 60fps looks way smoother then 30fps.

The 24/30 fps standard in movies was only set due to technological limitations at the time. Technology has improved and we no longer need to be limited to that. Even James fucking Cameron thinks that.

Why isn't it tournament legal? Does the collectors edition version have different abilities or something?

You need to come out of the greys.

Nothing should be censored.

Why does your title picture look like it was rendered in 16-bit color?

That would be a fair point if AC:U was not locked at 30fps as well.