I think it is about wanting the best for your money then blind allegiance.
I think it is about wanting the best for your money then blind allegiance.
YES! Like Last of Us on PS4 gave players the option to play at 30fps or 60fps with minor graphical differences.
better in 30fps ..., more cinematic
First point: Games and movies are two different beast. A movie does not have to worry about input lag or responsiveness. A game does.
Ya. All the videos should say that they are paid promotions right at the start of the fucking video.
TotalBiscuit does his declaration of paid promotions the best I have seen. It is impossible to miss and you know exactly what you are getting into when you watch said video. And if you dont like that it was a paid promotion then you can close the video after 10 seconds.
When a handheld comes out with Rift compatibility I'll be first in line. I just find it hard to get immersed when I am looking at a 3" screen. with graphics from PS1.
The answer: well, because there is a payoff somewhere, and that payoff makes it worth it. And maybe there is a payoff to life too, maybe you just haven't gotten to it yet.
Go to this website: http://rumkin.com/reference/dnd/… and plug in d20 and 2d10 into the box. Look at the curve. If you roll 1d20, each number has an equal chance of being rolled, a 5% chance. So, if you have a target number of rolling equal to or greater a 18 you have a 15% chance of passing that check. In Numenera,…
You can see why someone new to the game would completely ignore that skill and thus lose out on alot of content.
I can change video games as I change my mood. Do I feel like experiencing a epic story? There is a game for that. Do I feel like just zoning out and killing a million monsters? There is a game for that. Do I want to carefully plan my every move and struggle for survival? There is a game for that.
Which is why you should never pre-order a game. Instead wait and see if the port is a buggy mess or not.
This could get long but I will try to keep it as short and simple as possible.
I did not mean to say I thought the skills would be useless. I guess I just dont trust games to have secondary skills "like lock picking and hacking" to have as much payoff as just pumping everything into guns and health.
Ok, it was impossible for me to know that because A) I dont speak japanese and there were no subtitles and B) Kotaku apparently thinks that "HD" is 480p.
Ok, but what about "toaster repair". I mean...wtf?!
"On-the-go" has never been a way I can enjoy immersive or cinematic games. I need a 27" monitor and solid sound and a controller that does not hurt my hands after a hour.
I personally found the platforming too difficult but maybe that is because I suck at platforming games. I loved the story, vehicle segments, and combat however.