
"Best" is highly subjective. I find real life boring 80% of the time.

The real world is a game you spend your entire life trying to master — and probably never will. It's full of heartbreak and triumph and genuinely terrifying moments.

Static image might look the same but framerate is another factor. Xbone is stuck at 30 fps and PS4 (I think) can run up to 60 fps but with alot of dips. I am running a GTX 780TI and I am averaging in the 90-100 fps range constantly.

I'm running on a similar i5 processor with the same video card and I am hitting 100fps almost constantly. I am only using the high textures as the ultra ones were causing some stuttering but your millage may vary. I personally take >60fps over slightly better textures any day.

I am using my 360 controller to play it on PC with no problems. Also, I believe PS4/Xbone are locked at 30fps whereas I am getting 90-100 fps on my PC.

Except the game menu is kinda bugged. Even if you dont have the ultra texture pack installed it will still let you select ultra textures and only use high. Ultra textures were not available until release for some reason. So a video like this was likely done using the pre-release versions.


Fuck your autoplay.

Because we live in a global society?

I agree. Starcraft is just too fast for me. I wish I knew why games ran on "fastest" speed instead of "normal" speed. Also, the camera is too zoomed in for my taste. I like being able to zoom out and get a over all view then zoom down into the action when needed.

How is that even a choice? PC always.

I see you are judging the book by it's cover. How much information about the character's personalities do we have currently? Next to nothing I would say.

Considering the team that is developing 15 also developed Kingdom Hearts where the only playable character was Sora but had a party with him this comes as no real surprise.

Sounds like you are judging them based on their looks alone. Have we really gotten enough information about the party members to know their personalities yet? I dont think we have.

I blame that on Final Fantasy always being less about "you being the character" and more about "you being told a story in an interactive medium".

Go over to www.Roll20.net and www.reddit/r/lfg and look for groups there. All you need is a half decent mic and reliable internet connection and you should be able to find groups that play the system you want at the time you want.

Dungeon World is great, but some people have issues with the lack of options for characters or overall lack of complexity. It is a great system for one-shots or short campaigns.

Cruse over to www.Roll20.net or www.reddit.com/r/lfg and take a look. Both are great resources to find people to play with and Roll20 is a great battle map and dice rolling application.

It all depends on the system. Some systems that are very rules heavy (DnD 3.5/Pathfinder) are better off being a computer game. But other systems that are more rules light and sandbox-y like Dungeon World and Numenera are great because the freedom of letting the players going any where they want and (as a GM) throwing

Dungeon World is great fun. Alot of what the book teaches GMs can be applied to other systems as well. Dungeon World is my go-go game for one-shot campaigns.