
If you are open to play online instead of IRL you can look at Roll20.net and www.reddit.com/r/lfg to find games that fit your schedule.

Roll20.net and skype let you play on online easily. You can look for groups on Roll20's forms or go to www.reddit.com/r/lfg as well.

Use Roll20.net and skype to play games online. You can find groups on Roll20's boards or you can go to www.reddit.com/r/lfg to look for groups as well.

Pathfinder is WAY too rules heavy for me. I GM'd a campaign for about 6 months and while it was nice that everything is available for free online, the rules just bloat quickly. I much prefer something like Dungeon World or Numenera where narrative is the larger focus.

I have a high tolerance for uncanny valley (even The Spirits Within does not trigger it for me). But I agree, it is great to see Advent Children quality graphics being created in real time..and on a console on top of that. Here is hoping that the game will also manage to somehow be rendered at 1080p 60fps.

Can you download and re-host that video on YouTube or something?

I hope there is a simultaneous release. In this day and age AAA games really have no excuse to not have world wide releases.

Hell, the birth of the Final Fantasy series was when the company was with their back against the wall. Maybe it is time for a Final Fantasy resurgence.

Every thing you classify as "boring" I am excited for. Well, I could not care less about hair and clothing styles. But I do like that it is maintaining the "fantasy based on reality" idea that we have been seeing since Verses was revealed. I love the idea of a modern society where magic is common place (or at least an

Maybe they have not implemented ran affecting characters yet? Maybe it was turned off just to show the character models in their "normal" state? Could be a hundred different reasons.

Did you not watch to the end? They did show some actual combat (with likely highly over-leveled party)

This is not a review.

This is the biggest reason I am hesitant about buying the game. I love games with lots of choices, but I hate it when I have no indication as to how useful said choices are. Guns and first aid...ya that is useful in a combat focused game. But what about repair, or hacking, or lock picking? Are there alot of things

Maybe I will give the sub-class a shot then and focus on playing in more of a support roll. I guess the shield would be great for reviving part members as well. I also forgot about the buff you get when passing through.

Ya, that always bothered me in any game when the "main" character dies it is game over even though the game has systems in place to revive other party members. Hell, even Mass Effect is guilty as hell.

Too bad those are hand-held games.

You do realize it is possible for game developers to learn from their mistakes and improve upon and fix systems that did not quite work right? It is entirely possible they fixed the floaty character feeling and reprogrammed the camera logic.

Eh...it is magic and/or far future tech. It does not need a logical explanation. It just is.

Maybe you could apply similar effort into the discussion as to why Destiny is/is not a MMOFPS?

A few days after I posted that I switched to hunter after feeling completely useless doing some level 20 runs and being unable to use my super for any effect. I thought about using the other Titan subclass but I read the shield they deploy for their supper does not let you shoot out of it, which makes it completely