It is just a modern version of Mystery Science Theater 3000.
It is just a modern version of Mystery Science Theater 3000.
Yes. Graphics, sound, story, gameplay are all elements that make a good game.
Well I guess you are one of the lucky 1 in 10,000 people who actually found something they like doing that also makes money.
But why do we even have to work 8 hrs a day?
There are a few problems with taking notes on paper.
Or, if your on the PC, 1080p 120fps or 4k 60fps.
There have been a few games for the Vita that I have wanted to play (like Persona 4) but not enough to justify the cost of a Vita. Now I can get a PSTV for $100 and play those. It is a big win for me.
Ya, I agree with you about my past leaving a deep and bad impact. The biggest part is the rejecting that I experienced at every turn. And you are right, my parents did not help either. I never really formed a connection with them (either because they were too busy working or because I have problems forming connections…
Yes, millions of people play video games every day. That is not what "YouTubers" do. They play video games while also providing commentary that is entertaining or insightful or educational or a combination of the three.
I'm sorry that I enjoy "new media" alot more then traditional "old media" (like TV and movies).
I would also love a Kotaku spin-off site for e-sports.
Movies != video games.
But they also have a good habit of making proper PC ports.
That could be said about anyone regardless of gender.
Why the hell is that what is "supposed to happen"? Rejection sucks on both sides of the gender line.
So anyone who tries to stand up and defend their livelihood is a talent-less hack?
Music is not the same as a video game.
Yes it does. The LPer created the commentary and the gameplay. Fair Use...please look it up.
A book is the exact same no mater how many times you read it. Movies are the exact same no mater how often you watch it. Music is the exact same no mater how often you listen to it.
So someone should not make money from a entertainment they provide that other people enjoy but you dont? "a video of someone else playing and saying shit about it" makes it fall under the commentary aspect of Fair Use.