
There is a BIG difference there. If someone posts a movie, without edit or comment, then that is illegal. Lets Plays provide commentary over the gameplay which makes it fall under Fair Use.

No, they are 100% wrong. There is a thing called Fair Use, commentary over gameplay is part of that.

Why not?

Wired headphones, bleh. Once you go wireless you never go back.

Could Kotaku do a article like this except for the best multi-large-monitor desks? I have 2 27" monitors that are struggling to stay on my desk and would really like to find a desk that lets me add a third monitor. None of these posted desks looks like they could do it comfortably.

Looking at your picture makes me wish for a version of this desk that has the keyboard tray mounted in the center instead of off to one side. Would make a great area for 3-monitor setup. As it looks right now it does not look much better then my old Walmart desk that barely holds 2 27" monitors.

You could say the same thing about all early adopters but without them to prove that there is a market then half the things we take for granted today would not have hit mass market (PCs, smartphones, HDTVs to name a few).

Kotaku must have linked this post on a recent article because in the past week I'v gotten like 10 additional replies to this thread.

I sometimes think about it. When I was in school I loved unstructured writing assignments, however there were always too few. I could just let my imagination run.

I can see it took you some time to write this post, so I did you the respect of reading it. However, I just dont have the brain for religion. I grew up in a catholic family and went to a catholic school for 1st-8th grade. As early as 5th grade I started realizing the logical errors and contradictions. As far as I can

I get the "just exercise" advice alot. Sometimes I even think it might help. Sometimes I even give it a go. I spent $100 on a magnetic resistance trainer for my bike so I could ride it inside over the winter. I tried to use it for 10 min every few days but in the end I just lost motivation.


From what the article says, the changes was simply increasing the render resolution and modifying the shaders. I dont think the mods did any texture or geometory work.

I dont know what you mean about pulling resources from one department to another. I think most people specialize in one area. A person who works on art is not going to be able to program the gameplay.

That might be a side effect of the super-sapling. I did not notice it until just now when you pointed it out.

What Jetstreamer said. Graphics help alot with getting you immersed into a game (I'm talking mostly about first/third person shooters and RPGs here). Granted, "better" graphics does not have to mean "realistic" graphics. Dishonored can be just as immersive as Crysis. The issue is things like texture quality, proper

Someone needs to make a updated version of that chart. One that goes into more detail in the sub-5' range. I sit about 1.5' from my 27 inch monitor. I most certainly can see the pixels of my 1080p monitor. By a quick visual estimate from looking at that graph I would guess that if I got a 4k 30" monitor I would be

These changes require next to no extra work out of the developers.

I believe all types of AA only look for edges (either geometry or high contrast edges) then preform the super-sampling only on those edges. This means only a fraction of the image is getting the benefit (this fraction changes depending on the threshold or sensitivity of the AA). Proper super-sampling renders the

Same here.