Sure, I dont see the harm. It looks like they removed the PM feature from Kinja. My e-mail is ifandbut[at]hotmail[dot]com
Sure, I dont see the harm. It looks like they removed the PM feature from Kinja. My e-mail is ifandbut[at]hotmail[dot]com
He does not do reviews, he does first impressions.
I'm bad at keeping up with replies on Kotaku. I think it is because I will see I have 20 some notifications and really 18 of those are just "so and so has recommended your post".
Nothing has really changed. I'v been seeing a Psychiatrist for about the past 4 months. I'v been on several different medications and it does not appear any have helped. I'm still at the same job doing the same stuff, in and out of town depending on the week.
Exactly. After playing Mass Effect I have a hard time playing games that dont have a dialog wheel because the pause in the conversation while I read each possible response is just too jarring.
I completely agree with you. I also love the dialog wheel that was in Mass Effect and Dragon Age 2. A voice actor and dialog wheel just makes conversations feel so much more ccinematic then they used to.
I am a PC elitist and I was well impressed the first time I loaded up Second Son. As far as I am concerned, the only thing PC really could have done better is make it run at 60-120FPS.
It would be a hard choice for me between a 4k screen and a 120Hz screen. The smoothness from 120FPS is very refreshing.
For $40 you can get a USB "sound card" with DDL from Amazon.
Disney did not buy Game Grumps, they bought all of fucking Polaris.
The thing is, this $3,000 card is an OPTION. As in, if you can afford it, you can get it. Whereas with consoles you are stuck with what ever hardware Sony and MS feels like giving you. Also, the price on PC hardware drops every 6 or so months, yet it could be 3 years before we see a price drop on the XB1 or PS4.
What server where you playing on? I'v been playing on NA since patch 2.0 came out and have only experienced 1 or 2 major spikes for a few seconds.
There are so many models. How do I pick one?
Even at source the stream is a pixel filled mess.
Oh, they will be at PAX East? Guess that booth will be on my must see list. I tried the Rift v1 at MagFest. Cant wait to try the v2 next month.
Aren't there RC helicopters with cameras on them?
It is a really great game. I takes a bit to get into because it is more about production and resource chain management then it is city building. If you have problems I recommend a YouTube guide series by NanoSuitNinja. The first video is here:
Bitch if you must but FF11 had one of the better stories of recent FF games.
The game now scales based on your level. So you can be level 60 in the first zone of the game and the monsters will have scaled up to that. Also, there is more then one difficulty available from the start so if you find the game too easy it is time to bump it up to harder.