
Oh my. The gingerbread looks amazing (I am a sucker for gingerbread) and the giant arancino looks tasty as hell. Who cares if it’s a casserole? I’m a fan of making things easier, and therefore I do deconstructed cabbage rolls. Same flavour, much easier, do I don’t have to drink a glass of wine to get through the

I like your clusters! Very arty looking!

Crap ! I’m sorry. Sounds terrible especially with everything going on. I hope you have things to keep you occupied and distracted but hopefully at least some sunny skies and good coffee will come your way. 

Oh Nico! Be well and stay away from the jerk neighbor. Incidentally, I’ve been in Panama for a month, and the only people I’ve seen ignoring the mask mandate here (it’s serious, and you even need to wear one in cars or risk getting fined) are expat Trumpers.

There’s a Vietnamese restaurant, not in my immediate area, far enough away that it wouldn’t make for good take out, but I am going there as soon as the pandemic goes away (as long as they’re still open) and I am getting my grilled pork with spring roll bun cha! 

Oklahoma: 9 zero days without being The Most Embarrassing State in the Union.

Oh no—fingers crossed on the biopsy, big time. It sounds like you’ve been down this road before, which sucks, but was it something you figure you can deal with again? Either way, I wish you all the best of it.

So, in backwards order, are our Christmas Clusters! They’re way cool lights that we bought at the hardware store, and when we got them home, we realized they were super knotted. After significant effort, during which I think we added more knots than we untangled, we realized they were never going to get sorted, so we

It’s Krampusnacht, so hold on tight to your badly behaved children, unless you want the Krampus to take them, I don’t judge. I made some nice, dark, and sticky gingerbread for this festive season.

It feels as if I have a walnut permenantly stuck in my throat. At least it is keeping me from overeating. If I were rich, I’d have a house in Australia. Then I could have sunshine all year.

Lockdown started in my area again today, which is weird because I’ve basically been in lockdown since March. I had a sonogram on my throat this week and, quelle suprise, they found several nodules. So I guess I start the whole biopsy mess all over again. I want to go outside and take a walk in the sun, go to coffee

The weather has started to not be so nice. So we are definitely spending more time inside. I’m so glad I decided to do this home preschool program with the tiny human. This latest set of 20 lessons focuses on the Rainforest. And honestly I’m not sure who looks forward to school days more, me or her. But I was also

Saint Dolly was always the realest person in the room. Martha Stewart and a sizable portion of talk show hosts (not just the women hosts ) was biting Dolly’s style long before I could even make the friendly, bawdy, but subdued connection. Heck, she outshined Al Franken in the comedy department.

Not sure, but what makes this worse is that she has in multiple interviews said “how’s a good way I can keep her safe is I can keep making projects for her” which is weird and possessive, but also implies that she never intended the role to be for anyone else.

Love: “Leave me the fuck out of this, you craven idiots.”

Ok. This is a bridge too far. What is this Gilbert Grape bullshit? I know this probably will get lost in the grays, but my brother has autism, and I made a short film with an autistic character in it so that we could increase representation. I went to great lengths to find an actor ACTUALLY ON THE SPECTRUM to play

I know it’s funny to snark on this situation, but I’m related to two immediate family members who are mentally ill but do not fit the strict legal criteria for involuntary treatment and/or commitment. (I suspect that’s the case with Petrie-Blanchard.)

100% sick of stupid fucks endangering everyone else because they’re “over the pandemic” and pretending they can just do whatever, like it won’t get innocent people killed.

Guess I have to preempt Trump’s bullshit by declaring myself president as of right now.
