Brian Houston, and his father and family and that cult they formed, are scum. Absolute scum.
Brian Houston, and his father and family and that cult they formed, are scum. Absolute scum.
“Excuse me sir, is this woman with you Pieper Lewis?
Came here to post the same thing.
A message to the public: If you see this fugitive, no you didn’t.
The disparity exists because vaginal sex just won’t work unless the male consents, unlike a girl who can be forced.
> The disparity exists because vaginal sex just won’t work unless the male consents
This the stupidest comment I have ever read. You are absolutely disgusting.
Hi lemon! If you are looking for another online community (particularly if SNS folds), GroupThink, the former Jezebel commenter blog has reconstituted on another platform. You will find a number of familiar faces, and a supportive, moderated community and (best of all IMO) no greys. We are inviting kinja commenters…
Are you me? I’ve been saying this for years!
This. If you believe this affords you some of that “stripper empowerment,” cool. But if the only pole you encounter on a daily basis is in a subway car, think safety first.
I don’t like to wear any shoe I cannot flee disaster in. Gotta be able to flee!
It happened without warning or explanation, but the best that either of them can figure is that it was due to comments they made suspecting that the comment system would never be repaired because, in its current broken state, it drives more clicks and ad revenue because you have to load the whole page to see your…
You're okay. Just breathe.
I’m so glad the surgery went well - wishing you a speedy recovery! It can take awhile to mentally come to grips with having been in chronic pain and feeling that it could’ve/should’ve been fixed sooner. For now, just focus on healing and let yourself feel the feels when they happen. They’re valid. It’s not a linear…
I’m so glad that the surgery went well and that you’re starting to feel better--happy recovery! I get it, though, with that feeling of something terrible being gone--you don’t realize what you put up with before, indeed.
Sorry I couldn’t thank you guys sooner for helping me out. I had my surgery last week and it wasn’t so bad. One second they were wheeling me into the room the next I was waking up another room. The pain never got to bad either. They had to remove one of my ovaries. Turns out the cyst has twisted around it twice and…
I’m sorry for the weird week, but glad that your housing and unemployment situations seem a bit less terrible and that your antidepressants are working (also, while it sucks that your possibility of moving in with someone fell through, unless that person is your absolute only, necessary roommate, you’re better off…
Okay, I have figured out how to do some navigation through comments;