
I think it really provides a drug-like feeling of power to people who feel they’ve been cheated out of something. They don’t know what, exactly, but they aren’t as happy and rich as they deserve to be, dammit. Then the GOP comes along and goes yep, you’re white and you’re supposed to be on top and it’s all THEIR fault

This a wonderful essay, thank you. It sums up how I feel exactly. You really capture the whole unrealness of this moment for me. On one hand, I feel like it’s still March, and I’ve just been sent home to work. On the other hand, it feels like time is crawling by and this pandemic will never end. 

That’s a huge amount of real crap to deal with! I’m glad you do have a therapist, but I’m sure all of it will take a lot of time to process, particularly the revelations about your father, and your friend in the music business; it must be really jarring and disorienting to find out that people were not who you thought

I’ve never posted here but a lot of shit has happened and I need to get it off my chest.

Hey kitty cats! Guess who didn’t move to Panama this week? You’d be right if you guessed me. I’d like to thank Donald Trump for fucking up the post office so destructively that my overnight mail to/from the Panamanian Consulate in fact took almost five days, and got here today. My flight was this past Thursday. With

I’d follow a llama around way longer than a lama. 

For real though share more plz

If you knew what was up from the start, why did you stay involved on any level?  No offense, just asking.  

“Lama” one “L”. I also work with actual llamas..the 4 legged variety and I get confuse sometimes. The ones with 4 legs are far better teachers, btw.

Oh I’m so relieved to hear this.

I was part of a Buddhist group years ago that became a cult. The llama looked a lot like Reniere too. I knew what was up from the start, but I watched others be absolutely destroyed by this man in the name of “enlightenment”.

She cut a deal. I worked on this documentary and I said it before but I will say it again: Allison Mack’s initials are not part of this. It’s KAR. Keith initials only. Really.

What are the legal ramifications for somebody in a cult who also commits crimes? I don’t know enough about India’s involvement specifically, but my understanding of DOS was that it was basically a multi-level marketing scheme of blackmail, which is a crime. Yes, you may be “brainwashed,” but I believe you’re likely

We adore you.

Tips I give all people who are moving:

Of course, button. You poor thing, 2020 can take a long walk off a short pier.

I’d say take to take a class in something you like: cooking, yoga, kickboxing; or just take a train trip round West Virginia and see what happens. Of course, if you live no where near West VA, I’m sure there’s scenic tours available for wherever you are. You’ll meet someone with at least one similar interest

I haven’t commented in...I don’t know. Years?

I don’t have a Sabai sofa, and I’m so sorry your credit card number was stolen—has that been sorted out yet? Fingers crossed. But I’m here to tell you that it gets better, and your first apartment will be your first home, so the life you live there will colour your experience. Screw the lightbulbs. My first real

I survived my second week at my new job. And appraisal came back on the house I am buying just above my offer.

I posted last week about moving out on my own for the first time, thanks to all of you who gave advice! Especially whoever said to make my bed- I did it this morning and every time I run something up to my room, it feels so much less chaotic, even with boxes everywhere. Especially since I’ve been falling asleep with