
so all of those investigations on the state level were just...practice runs?

You’re in luck! From Gawker, yesterday


He’s blind to the repercussions of his actions. All he can see is the money. His sights were set on the payoff. All he had to do was help her fulfill her lifelong vision... of having no vision.


Or you know, a trans women of color...

So, I’m reading this book about Josephine Bonaparte right now, and recent chapters have been about how Napoleon would basically just pick out a woman that he liked, “arrange” for her to be brought to wherever he was, fuck her till he got bored, then either banish her if she annoyed him, or set her up with a nice gig

Why do I read stories about things that I know are based %100 on bullshit and I know are only going to make me mad/sad at just how stupid so many people in our country are.

I’m torn. Can’t decide whether it’s more entertaining for a doucheschooner of this magnitude to get immediate comeuppance (like this woman) or bask in her own self-righteousness for several weeks/months only to crash that much harder during her inevitable fall from grace.

that is three (3) punchable faces up there.

it’s one of the most punchable trios of all time i think.

It’s the eye of the martyr
It’s the thrill of the Right
Rising up to the challenge of our (Supreme Court) trial
And the last known dissenter
Thinks Jesus supports her plight
And she’s watching us all with the eyeeeeeeeeeee ... of the martyr

That is one punchable face. Its just infuriating that she feels that she’s triumphed.

Urgh. There are few things more irritating than a vindicated zealot.

I have sympathy for you being the victim of cheating. It’s really hard when two people no longer have the same libido or desire for sex. There was a period where I was really sick from a chronic illness and I just could not deal with my (now ex) husband bugging me constantly for sex. I told him he had permission to

Yeah, it made me feel sick too. You’re no longer attracted to her, have a higher libido, don’t believe in monogomy-fine. You want to stay with her because she’s a good friend and raise the kids with her-great AS LONG AS SHE IS AGREEING TO THE ARRANGEMENT TOO.

so that I can seek out potential pussy options