
My hero. Ugh.

Wait, what part of this is “very cool?”

“Thanks for reminding me how prominent it is! I was actually *not* thinking about it, but you took care of that for me!” <smile>

I still find myself railing at new cigarette taxes, new bans or just new restrictions. I’ve been clean for going on four years, but I still consider myself a smoker - except on insurance forms. That makes it aaaaall worth the suffering!

And the ex-smokers all nod understandingly...

And the best we can hope for is that they’ll stop threatening to take away medical care for as long as the “investigation” continues.

Uhh...what happened to the psycho-logist?

While I was reading the article, I was trying to think about places you can get sandwiches with a side, and other than something like Denny’s, I’m not coming up with one.

I can see needing a unique touch for a photo shoot. That was something I hadn’t thought of. Thanks!

I can’t ever tell when a person I’m looking at is transgender or not. I can say that some of the most breathtakingly beautiful women I have ever seen were actually born men; I would never have known they were packing penii if I hadn’t been at a “Drag Queen Coronation”.

Maybe this is just me, talking from the perch of privilege from having been born in the “right” body for my soul, but...can’t we just have modeling agencies? How is it going to stop being something remarkable if we keep separating the transgender models from the cisgender ones?

Oh, what I would give to see what happened after the reporter signed off.

Have you ever noticed how on tv shows when a woman is sexually independent, she gets punished for it? A man, on a tv show, can bring home a woman, have wild sex with her, and then wacky hijinks ensue the next morning when he tries to get rid of her. A woman can bring home a man, have wild sex with him, and then she is

Thank you! :-)

I’m just going to :::::::::::standing ovation:::::::::::

Dear Audience Who Gave Cosby A Standing Ovation AFTER All This News Broke: Wanna stand up and clap for him now, dumbasses?

“They are making him out to be such a bad guy, a monster,” Camille allegedly said during the meeting.

Is her ass dirty? Did he lube her up before making her grovel in the dirt so now she has it stuck to her? I just don’t get the total lack of respect and why she goes along with it.

Crap, I forgot to check my Friends list on FB to see how many my unseemly gloating and dancing is going to cost me.

I used to, until I discovered food. Well, I had bone structure, anyway.