
And she didn’t pick up her dog’s poop FULLY AWARE THAT THERE WAS PROBABLY A RING IN THERE!

Mmm, yes please!

Plus, the dog is a MASTIFF. That must be a huge pile of doggy doo. If you stepped in that, you might just sink.

No, you’re not terrible. Or we’re both terrible.

Knowing the whole story, I’d be inclined to say, “Yeah, me too.” But if I found a ring in dog poop, I wouldn’t know for sure that it was that person’s own dog who ate the ring, or that it was that person who walked the dog and didn’t pick up after it. Maybe she was visiting her friend when his dog ate the ring. Maybe

Yup—totally with you. I am a citizen. I will always return any property I find, but a ring in dogshit. Fuck that. I’d keep it to punish the non-picker-upper.

You’re fine.



My real question is why people keep confusing “breaks” and “brakes”.

If this were true none of my children could function even remotely normally.


Holy shit.

W’re missing it together.

I hate that GM has pop-up ads but geez, could they at least show up right after the page loads and not while I am halfway through reading the article??

I agree with you completely. A little peripheral noise is something you just have to learn to live with. But some noise is too much. I remember once, in an apartment house, my neighbor would occasionally turn on his music so loud that I couldn’t conduct a telephone conversation in my apartment. I was not okay with

That’s early enough that I would probably have just left my house for an hour. But his reaction maybe sounds like he was some sleep-deprived madman, in which case I can totally understand wanting to fucking scream SHUT UP at the top of my lungs.

But say he tells her about the bisexuality and she is fine with it. Then they just go ahead and get married with that big nasty skeleton in the closet? Or does he just break it off and not tell her why? Neither of those seems fair to her.

Yeah, what was that BS about women worshiping their fathers? Some do, but what a generalization to make.

I'm not sure I could get past it if I was told. I don't even think you absolutely must disclose bisexuality, though I think if you're in an honest relationship, it really should come up. And I'd be comfortable with my spouse having had many sexual partners in the past, male, female, etc. No problem. But, my parents...