You posting a PA comic negates whatever you type. Bad comics are bad comics whether or not it caters to homeless uneducated people.
You posting a PA comic negates whatever you type. Bad comics are bad comics whether or not it caters to homeless uneducated people.
You don't understand why they want to have fun by winning, and they don't understand you for wanting to lose with your team. Pokemon and fighting games are different then suikoden in that they are multiplayer. The only competition in single player games is how gimped can you be to finish or time trail. Not that I'm on…
Or I come from a country with the highest human trafficking? But sure, we can go with your idea: I must be the most sexually repressed man on the interwebs.
Whoa there soldier, if the original is a shining piece of dung, breaking from canon can help. It doesn't have to be the only way. OPEN YOUR EYES BREADTRUCK, WE ALL LOVE YOU!
I'm rockin a phenom... Like, banging it behind the bleachers. You are overstating it as you said. Prices for consoles have been rising, besides the bare console you must add the costs of all the peripherals. They gouge and rape console gamers with that. 5 billion dollars for a controller. 10 trillion dollars for…
I like how the commentators all attacked VengefulSpaniard and assumed: lonely virgin guy with no girlfriend/sex life.
I think there is a difference between a token gesture and actually supporting hardcore gamers. I think they are trying, and not just saying they are. A lot of those AAA titles you mention will be coming out this spring so I would wait until then to damn them. I am a pc gamer mostly so I would like to think myself…
Where are we getting all these facts from? As for as I can tell, I'm the hardcore president, and I don't recall signing off on any paperwork stating we abandoned any system. Where are all these migrations occurring that I can't see them? Or is it because I sit so high up on my lofty throne that it's impossible to…
I want to dragon punch you in the endocrines.
You have a better memory, I played arena and daggerfall and yet I can't recall the size of the games. I don't like to dismiss games so easily so I play them through even though I might not like them. Arena, daggerfall, and morrowind had a sense of adventure and exploration. Oblivion and skyrim? Not so much. Don't get…
You do realize they brought up the anecdotal evidence to counter -silver-'s? I've played more then you and this entire chain of commentators combined and I didn't like it and found numerous bugs. So here we have me countering your counter to andraselenia's counter. Quite moot I think. I'm suppose to antagonize you…
justin bieber, jersey shore... I can see your argument cannibalizing itself.
Also there's no direct correlation between legal gun ownership and the level of crime? In comes England/Australia/Japan. Nice that you got those NRA bullet points about Thailand and Switzerland, not so nice that you couldn't name the others.
First, don't ever post a kotaku article to prove a point. Second, I made no assumptions like you did. You made quite a few statements; no reading between the lines; you went balls out kid. Where as you come up with random proofs that you care not to explain.
My oh my... That response was riddled with presumptions. If you need, for some odd reason, for me to credit my statements by my rpg history: Too many to list. FF 1-3 sucked, 4,6-13, I liked. Yes even the mmo. Didn't play X-2, only the first chase scene and I figured out a loop hole where you can max out their jobs by…
Need to break it down for the idiots that misunderstood his statement.
I was going to say a witty comment that trashed kotaku while pointing out an oversight but you damned me with your ambiguous text. Now I feel cheated for having lost a chance I never had.
Again, you are presuming too much. Thanks for calling me an idiot by the way, it was heart warming.Took me close to a decade to get a bachelors so I'm far removed from 10th grade. Being ageistic seems to be popular still. I guess the georgia o'keeffe statement went right over you since you took my comment in such an…
Hmm never equated 'anyways' to how a little girl speaks. Just seams like an informal way of speaking that young kids use, but then again never really paid attention to say anything for certain.