Rhetoric is fine, but wishful thinking should not colour the way you report on topics as a journalist. So describe the game as it is, and make your peripheral critical commentary on the game's concept a second priority.
Rhetoric is fine, but wishful thinking should not colour the way you report on topics as a journalist. So describe the game as it is, and make your peripheral critical commentary on the game's concept a second priority.
Take a fucking Chillaxative skippy.
1st of all I started my post by very clearly stating that the Japanese WERE WORSE in total throughout the entire war period. How that makes me a Japanese sympathizer is beyond me.
I am perfectly aware of the brutal utterly illegal treatment American POW's received from the Japanese…
I guess I am letting it surprise me way too much that there have been many people who have entirely misunderstood/misread your original post. It's funny, I guess: because "people on the Internet" who are quick to comment on things usually say really stupid things. It has been assumed, by others who fit this…
Only on Kotaku, where western games are derided for overtly sexualized females and become the ire of feminists, but Japanese animes and games with scantily clad children is totally okay and "not something deliberately sexualized" and given a free pass. The double standard here is mind blowing. Imagine if something…
Honestly I'd call it male suppression by females. It's like the opposite of the middle east. Why do the women get to wear airy clothes while us men are stuck in sweat buckets?
Anita Sarkeesian isn't a radical feminist? Are you kidding me? I'd love to hear your definition of what a radical feminist is, then (barring the stereotypical, of course. Actual examples.) Because she very much seems like one to me.
Anita has done basically nothing but find everything wrong with almost every female…
The entire movie was purposely ABOUT his dislike of organized religion. That was the entire point of it. It didn't just .. turn into it. It's like saying, "I didn't like Scrubs when it turned from a comedy into a show about doctors and nurses." Should have known going into it what it was going to be about .. /cough
How is bringing up the lack of better male representation (something that is not focused on much) not "fighting for better male representation"?
There is no ill effect on children witnessing sex acts. Practically all children have. The ill effect comes from how people deal with it—treating it as a completely horrifying thing, vilifying the people (or person) doing it, using it to objectify people, etc, are the problem, not a completely natural, often witnessed…
Because he is simply rich as fuck. And makes more than most musicians. Yes, he may not be the richest, but he does indeed make more than a large majority in the industry (btw, most concerts doesn't matter in this regard, and neither does having a top spot. I'm only talking about…
*consoles you*
With music!!
Just check out this video, especially the part about Anita..
I'm sorry I don't think this is much crazier than fake tits, or a fake ass, or any form of plastic surgery. At least this implant serves a practical purpose.
Not that i care about religious stuff, but I know the feeling
I expressed my complaints about the use of a term, then I am attacked by so much people. All for having an opinion. I didn't even talk shit about the game, either, just complained about the playable character being called an NPC.
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
The Big Bang Theory. It's like nerd blackface.