Idriz Miftari

Did you have a few discussions on how unprofessional and cowardly you guys are at kotaku? Or picking a crazy guy, tagging him GG, and lambasting him make your transgressions disappear? You and Stephen need to backtrack a bit, I'm more concerned that a sane person would attack a lunatic to deflect from what GG is

Once the low hanging fruit is gone, you can etter asses

I am supportive of your goal, and you are far better then the others who argue your point. But framing your argument is just as important as the valid points you make. I am not here to chastise you, but i've been arguing with fools my entire life, so i kinda know how they are going to respond to you. If you make any

Something, something, insult people defending themselves before they even make a comment, something something, framing it as witty as if that changes it from an asshole insulting people with red herring bullshit. Did i do it right fuckface? Hey fuckface, did you notice i don't capitalize "i"?

You called me crazy for having rather tame views on something you are steadfast and unapologetic on; Especially when you resort to hyperbole. The player base is not 50% women, the stories that drive historical games did not have 50% women combatants. For any games set in the future, they can have whatever you want, as

Good luck being a bigot. Your name suits you.

I know pizza places. It's the same for us. If business is doing poorly, your food doesn't sell as well, sits out longer, tastes far less appetizing. That directly equates to losing more customers, it's a vicious cycle until people go under. Does a fresh pie taste better ten fold? Absolutely, but pizza places can't

First: I never made a statement and then argued it... Then after criticism, change my original statement. That is called moving the post, which you wrongly accused me of.
Second: You flat out ignore statistics. Nothing i said was incorrect. No one bemoans a lost iphone game. Gamers lament lost console and PC games. If

LOL don't ever link jezebel. It's like sourcing the national enquirer on your thesis paper in theoretical physics. You literally shut down when someone calls you out on your ridiculous statements. Do you know what type of people dismiss others after the slightest of confrontation? Bigots. I am a true misandrist kid,

For people that don't read beneath the lines, this is what amazingmao stated:
Screw agender
Screw blacks
Screw hispanic
Screw asians ( by the way, more then half the population is asian)
Screw homosexuals
Screw pansexuals
Let's revisit the asian statement: OVER 60% OF THE WORLD IS ASIAN. Not 49%, not 50% OVER 60%.
3.5 billion

I hate when people tout this 50% line. That is great that 50% of the population is female, but 50% of the revolution was not. 50% of the fighting was not done by women, 50% of console gamers are not women. Console gamers. Because people keep bringing up irrelevant statistics about 80% of gamers are women. When they

It hurts my eyes just looking at it, but the story is nice. I don't know if it's nice enough to revisit lest my eyes explode.

Ouch, i liked the nadesico movie :(. Goes from lunch guy to insanely strong in 10 seconds. It's like if they made a movie of totoro taking out the entire cast of naruto with ninja racoon dog skills. But i am biased, i like when weak people turn into bad asses.

Don't listen to Azuren, ikaruga, he doesn't know what he is saying. You are such a cute game, yes you are! YES YOU ARE!!! Does ICO fit in this argument?

Lightning changes. I imagine a seductive lightning changing in front of us slowly. If she only had black hair :(.

You don't have full perfect stuff, Spaulders of Zakara, Cain's Scrivener, Strongarm Bracers, Nagelring, and The testimony are not ideal on your wizard. The terrible witch doctor in the video is using a class set. If you were using Tal Rasha, or Vyr reduction sets, you would be doing the same damage.

I heard through the grape vine that psych wards tend to suck more then prisons. So maybe prison would be easier on them.

Let me preface this next post. I only chimed in since you seem so steadfast with your opinion, i'm not particularly entrenched in the counter argument, i myself think language is fluid, and i interchange words all the time ( All my arguments thus far are actually my brother's when he argues with me). I just happened

Not only do you gloss over his argument, you just flat out won't recognize it. Your argument is:
You two blokes are being pedantic, regular folk interchange the two words.
Our argument is:
Everyday people can differentiate the two ( and do so) and to use one for the other is ridiculous.
JustWaitingForAMate gave you

Manning is a terrible example. They could have charged him with anything and it would have stuck. political trails are not trails you can point and say: " Hey! This is a great example" Just as we never use any trails in the south when they met out "justice" to all those colored folk.

You completely gloss over his