Idriz Miftari

I don't follow the second paragraph analogy. I enjoy lying. I tell people all the time I steal, lie, and cheat when I don't. It warms my heart when people think ill of me. This seems like something I would do. He created a fuzzy topic that can be construed as racism so people can assume it, seems like the case to me.

Why can't space marines sound like that?

You just extrapolated an insult from thin air. He is not implying your opinion is reduced simply by saying Apple Advocate. You are the one who's incorrectly thinking that a biased person can't make a proper argument. That is flying in the face of the ad hominem defense that you put up.

That was not his point. The points he made were:

MikaIM attacked Jobs not you, his point was specifically about how he was a bad person, how is it an ad hominem? He was not discrediting Jobs to make his point stronger... I do like that little thing that you did at the end, not only were you wrong but dismissive, nice!

As in: let us procreate with everything?

You are wrong. The author is not asking for our opinions, they don't care. It's like an abused and neglected child being asked how their school day was by said abuser. If they actually enjoyed games they would not be on kotaku harassing gamers daily.

I hate all games, every game I touch is saved. Do not worry for that work, it is tiring and thankless but your god is here to reprieve you of that role.

If given the choice between a quadriplegic and a kotaku writer having played a game, I would go with the former every time.

All blacks are degenerates. Oh people getting mad? Must be hitting close to home.

Republicans need to learn to stay quiet, when adults speak they should just sit there and hang their heads low.

Throwing everything on the wall and see what sticks?

I think you mistook outing a company on principle versus profit. They lose a public campaign over their food they would have lost more money then changing their menu. Don't ever think they changed it because of morality/standards/ethics. Just as you said: Bottom line.

I was thinking hurricane sandy... I was so confused.

I was thinking hurricane sandy... I was so confused.

The logic irks me, you hook up a console to the tv and have it sit there but you can't do the same for a tower? Brijo00 says it's easier to access only because that's how he creates the situation. You say " a LOT of wiring", why? A single HDMI is a lot of wiring to you? If you like consoles better, that's fine but

Your ability to fabricate points from my comment is stunning. Never did I mention that I would destroy you with logic. Having gone through your comments with others I noticed a prevailing theme of level-headed people making strong points and you being dismissive and aggressive.

Again, misandry has fallen fairly low for someone of your caliber to actually post at all. Most comment threads you troll get destroyed by logic. Sigh...

Are you only wrong when talking about gender, or always wrong in general? Why do so many people make misandrists look bad. Let me mock you since you have no logic whatsoever.