Idriz Miftari

Ad hominem attack on a critic? Never seen a fanboy do that before. If you thought your logic was sound with your own message then that explains why you would attack GB6667. Did you see what I did there? A paradox in a paradox, it's super deep stuff, you wouldn't understand since I'm a hipster.

Did I ever mention that he didn't attack others? Is it right to attack others simply because they started?

Calm down there kids... reading your comments is worse then what mrvince said. Myopic you say? Haven't gotten laid? Attacking others while high fiving yourselves feels right to you? You hate certain genres as much as he does, why be condescending and snide about it? Myopic indeed...

I'm well aware of a highly political supreme court making decisions not on common law but trends; I'm sure you are glowing with pride on Citizens United. As others have noted ( even in the wiki you provided) Scalia was hypocritical in his majority opinion. Regardless how the Supreme Court deciphers the constitution we

You mention the 2nd amendment as does every other person by only reciting half of it. That in itself is misleading. If you are not wrong, then you are misleading; semantics. I would rather take pot shots at people with sincere dialogue.

Poking fun with wrong information, hmm... Do I blatantly lie about how all gays have aids because I was trying to poke fun? You were making a dig at him, you aren't bright, someone else called you out. And no, you wouldn't want military weapons roaming the streets, don't be silly.

Unfortunately I can't go back and view the comment thread. I'm assuming you're responding to my statement good parents = good people = considerate people. You're already showing me that you are a good person; Considerate enough to plan ahead if you ever had children. You already took into consideration that children

It could be bias on account of it being fresh at the time. Rise of the Dragon was mind blowing to me when it came out. I tried playing it a few years back and it made me cringe how bad it was. Maybe you are seeing it in today's terms and Travis is thinking of the games back in the day.

Don't mind Chad, OP and him are a bit slow on the critical thinking. I was thinking about these things in middle school. I'm 29, I don't see a generational difference ( Besides the difficulty level) in video games. I saw a reddit/twitter/FB ( Not sure where it was) post that was amusing: How much violence is

His native language is english. English is my second language. There is a difference between lazy and comprehension.

There are some people that want to differentiate being hit with knuckles, versus being hit with the front of the fist; Other people will group them together and just say: You got punched. If you want to systemically categorize all the nuances that could make our experiences different, I think you are missing my point.

I am confused to why you are so against the notion that others might be better at knowing someone. You say it is the rudest thing to do and arrogant as well. If you were to gamble on a new ice cream flavor and lost while I bought your favorite "to be safe"; It is the same situation. I knew you wouldn't like it, so I

13,000 a year is lucky? You miss, don't know how to judge others. Let's hear your salary.

If you are naive you can't be AS considerate as someone who is not. If I know not to turn my tea cup when I receive it, in some culture, and you are naive about it; Regardless of how good your intentions are, I will be more considerate.

Maturity is responsibility. Responsible people can change their minds on subjects. Not sure why you view flighty people as immature. When you tell someone that they will change their minds you are telling them one of two things. 1) I've been there and am wiser or 2) I know you better then yourself.

Just a matter of expectations. You wanted a tactical shooter, you got an rpg shooter. They advertised as a loot shooter rpg, that's what they made. Most americans don't like turn based hex war games, if you buy one, and it plays as one... Again expectations.

I responded to Violet_Strange that covers what you say. But in short, I think good people are considerate people. None of those friends, who you say are good people but bad parents, are actually good to me. The cute remark was more towards her uncertain loyalty to her ideology then me scoffing at the idea that

Mayhap I am off, but to me, a good person is a considerate person. Your several friends that are bad parents are in turn bad people. This is not a ridiculous claim. I made my reason clear upfront: Good people make good parents, ergo: There cannot exist good people that are bad parents...

His father worked as a construction worker. One day at work he was mixing cement on the ground floor when a welder dropped his gameboy right top o' his head. The blow was enough to knock him out into the cement; It took three guys to drag him out and put him in the ambulance. At the hospital he woke up to a TV with a

I'll tell you why they (you) do it. Because the majority of people are not that critical and do not know themselves. Because you have firebrands that will raise hell and shout absolutes when everyone knows otherwise. Mind you, it is not the thoughtful, insightful people that tell you that they know you better. It's an