Idriz Miftari

It was not condescending; You lack critical thinking. You admit you are a horrible person (selfish). You also pigeonhole all children. They "suck up all your money" and have no appreciation. Looks like you are reflecting back on your life. So we found from your post that you are selfish and bigoted. You are not

Can you project anymore? Is it possible? But seriously, there was no insinuation of it being immature. It does show a lack of planning and knowing yourself. This is why most relationships can be confusing, because people don't take the time to understand themselves and then they drag everyone into the quagmire of self

Being a parent requires nothing other then being a good person. When people say they will be horrible parents, they are telling everyone they are a horrible person. Pregnancy warping your brain fills you with horror? That is cute.

His art was never sketchy.

When companies keep pushing back dates for interviews do you really think that they ever intended for an interview to actually occur? Profoundly stupid? Just a tad silly maybe.

I kinda liked Darksun myself for NPCs but Ultima is a good example as well. I was just stating that I enjoy a singular strong person with immense power, since you pointed out you enjoy RPGs with good NPCs, I wanted to tell you why I like RPGs. The closest in XIII was Cid but not close enough, and I haven't played

Let me chime in here. You argue with yourself in the last paragraph. The first sentence defeats the rest of it: If you are trimming fat, that is final. Understand I'm talking about logic and not the inconsistent value perceptions of the company and fans.

Something about lacking critical thinking and voting for romney... There seems to be a zinger there but I can't quite put my finger on it. You should avoid not being able to read a bullet point and then commenting on it, as you can see the kotaku ire is strong.

Unfortunately I am one of those few people who can argue against your last paragraph. I spend half my paycheck on my fellow employees and the half I keep I split again. By the end of the year I keep 1/4 of my salary and the rest goes to charity and the people around me. I work IT but I am an artist, all my art I give

I am a socialist atheist like you. How you can be so adverse towards piracy whereas I condone it, baffles me. I am highly progressive when it comes to economics, however, so maybe this is where we part in views.

How quaint, dismiss your dodgy logic and try to hone in on some non existent disparity in mine. I do like how you qualify your atheism and socialism with your time in Russia and Sweden. I have lived in Albania, does that automatically make me good at kidnapping people? I suggest you go through entire posts. I read

Two games come out that are similar, the only difference is one was made by a bloated peacock with infinite funds and the other by a earnest group with 1/10 the funds. The difference between the two were the expectations.

I would like to think of it as explicit kotaku vs implicit Jezebel. If you notice my last post, I capitalized Jezebel but not kotaku. How many people would notice that I hold one in higher regard? The same can be said about the dialogue from these gawker sites; Jezebel has an undercurrent that should not be dismissed.

An aside, Your handle warms my heart.

I am a man; I am a misandrist. I unfortunately grew up in a highly sexist muslim country's environment. Although I would call myself a misanthrope I have more anger towards men simply from my background. I will not feign active membership of Jezebel, I lurk from time to time but I lurk kotaku by far more then any

All gawker sites are populated by myopic degenerates. That you have to ask why one cesspool differs in toxicity from another strikes me as odd. I find the misandrists of Jezebel amusing, but the equivalent misogynists on kotaku are exactly the same.

Holy logic fail of tremendous proportions. How can you even correlate legality with an action's justifiability? Not only that, how can you then conclude that justifiability simply changes words. If it's justifiable then it's not piracy? What?!? Then you go for the ad hominem attack. You have to be a conservative

Since all the comments here are gushing over the game I'll chime in with my bit. I've played Xcom 1 & 2. They seem to decline with every game they come out with. XCOM was intense, terror from the deep was just a reskin, the third was made by another company so pass... The new one has so many glitches it's mind

Humor should have no limits. You can see all the idiots responding to this person as proof. The responses would have been comical had they not been serious. You are doing this world a disservice, I would recommend that you take your own advice and seek help.

This is cosplay, disregarding this particular article with real guns, i've seen countless people anal about trigger discipline on toy models. Unless you are only talking about this specific time and don't care about fingers on triggers on toys I think it's silly to impose the same rules. I cannot imagine you would say