Idriz Miftari

Idiots like you who need to be trained like an animal to create a safe environment because you are incapable of using logic when you use firearms. Plus the majority of people who have firearms are redneck mouth breathers. Idiots like you will never understand simple concepts like this.

claymore, pumpkin scissors, fate stay night, balsa, you do realize just because their eye candy is better doesn't mean strong females are non existent?

pumpkin scissors

I love people who think placement of trigger finger matters. Because when I'm carrying around an empty gun, if I place my finger on the trigger, Flying Spaghetti Monster knows the gun will shoot the entire invisible clip and kill a guy driving a bus full of orphans. The bus will veer off the road and fly off a cliff

When a business loses money people say it's running in the red. If it is making money it's in the black. Black friday is when most stores make enough money to turn black.

Let me kindly answer since I am a hipster deity. It isn't irony, beards and fixies that define hipsters. It is hypocrisy, this is why there is a stigma surrounding them.

You are either joking or trolling. Controllers can never get to the point of keyboard mouse in response times. If both fps players are of even skill, keyboard-mouse will always win. I am assuming you are talking about the aim assist is getting better in recent fps games but as another person mentioned...shadowrun.

You've been wrapped in your american pride bubble for too long. I would go to the doctor immediately and see if it can be removed before permanently ruining the brain. Unless you are speaking in hyperbole and you meant centimeters behind instead of miles. Americans are good at saying they need to pay for services that

Don't pop his bubble. Any neigh sayers must be jealous of fame and fortune.

And what of the cottage industry of Doujin anime/games/comics? Not that I care anything for copyright law, it's all rubbish to me, but anime in general does not conform too well with copyright.

Iron Man does nothing. The game saves after the alien turn. You can end the game process before the save and reload just like normal. Killing the process takes the same amount of time as exiting the game and reloading. If people are save scumming having to kill a process isn't going to detract a whole lot of people.

Everyone already found ways around it. Doesn't help.

Doesn't matter how many reloads you do, there is no random seed in X-com. If you shoot with sniper first every time, you will miss every time. The seed only changes when the situation changes. If your sniper is the second or third to shoot then it becomes different. So you can basically keep reloading and finding the

Lex is a conservative, there is no such thing as a winning conservative... Nice fail to notice.

schrodingersrap, ICOYAR, Bob Roberts, Lex Stewther, coolhandbob, Setthestandard, 3D: Cause Two… , These are the conservatives of Kotaku. Keep a list up so that you know not to waste time. The republican party seems to be transforming more and more into a religion then a political party. We know from experience that

You must either be a really ignorant israeli or just pulling our leg. You have still born babies that can tell you why.


Wrong. You don't need to know anything about gaming in order to be a video game journalist. It was also an obvious answer, I never played angry birds and that was the first thing that came to mind. Not sure how to interpret "the most gamer geek you can be" does that mean knowledge or skill? Either way I am the

I know of the cracking scene, no knowledge of the movie and music rippers so I'm not sure if they have the same sentiments. I would like to think they have their own codes that they abide by, but that is only wishful thinking.