Since you asked nicely to be corrected:
Since you asked nicely to be corrected:
They don't get possessive over the game, they get possessive over the crack. The whole point of the scene is to make the fastest least intrusive crack. If the reason they do it is to say "first" and someone tries to swipe their crack it kinda goes against why the groups are fighting in the first place.
It's not so much a fad then it is sid meiers destroying our lives with each new iteration.
Well you are going to punch me in the face then. Civ II and Civ III were the best. Do you know why? Throne room upgrades in II and castle upgrades in III. You can't touch that. Why can't I upgrade my throne room? Why did sid meiers shun us? Why did they come out with Civ IV and V without these vital aspects of the…
We live in a socialistic world, and as time goes on it becomes more so. Your naive capitalism is just as much a failure as communism. At least communism was upfront with their wanton pillage and rape of society. This goes way over your head kid, remember you are republican: Party who condones rape and actively fights…
Jealous? No. Bitter? Hell yeah. You tell a guy to shut his mouth, I do the same to you and you react with hostility? You would think that you realized you were the one who started. How quaint that you tell me to grow the f up. Did someone teach you that ageism or did you learn all by yourself? Tell me what a fake life…
Do you string together random words in the hopes that something clicks? So you out yourself to be republican...That wasn't hard to do. You just fabricated a story: " 'not allowing anyone to walk into any sexes change room' equates to bullying". Where you get that notion? The confidence you exude in knowing what I…
You sound like a fool. Why you want to sound like one with zero comprehension and an inability to use a brain? You really do sound like a fool. You should have listened to your own advice before you hit submit, having such a backward way of thinking and then not even being consistent... Oh boy...
He was explicit with his statement: some people think the world revolves around the USA. You then think he assumes you are from the USA. You pull that from thin air. You made your argument around that made up notion. This is not a radical and odd occurrence, people do this all the time in arguments, it's called straw…
Now now filth, although erroneous, PS9 wasn't dogmatic. You on the other hand...
He made no mention of you being from the usa. That is called fishing my friend, and you failed. Not only did you fail reading his post, you then jump on the opportunity to cash in with your failed logic. You want to provoke people with such little critical thinking skills? You discredit people because they make…
Unions and america don't mix. America breeds people to hate anything that elevates the middle and working class.
I haven't clarified so I can understand the confusion, I apologize. Those two criteria are not mutually exclusive. You have shown me the instances where they do indeed self identify, however shaky the evidence. Stephen Colbert self identifies as a religious republican but most people can pick up on that. Far more…
It means just that. Someone who self identifies as a gamer. I know all to well you want to trap me in some absurd subjective semantic game but in the end it means people who respect games. I personally hate video games but by my very definition I am a better gamer then most folks. I have a baseline of respect that…
We find it amusing that is all. It's very much like saying you read Cosmopolitan because of its critical essays on tough topics. The entire kotaku staff informs the internet daily how bad they are at games. This does two things:
Your response is just as "bad" as his.
You are correct with snipers being useless until colonel rank.
I play it on impossible and everything chem is saying is true. You need to 'discover' the groups of aliens otherwise it takes them 15 turns to shuffle to your position.
That rant right there is hipster. Your capitalization of 'anyone' is the plane ticket to Seattle. Your inability to parse his paradoxical disdain for himself since he himself is hipster is like you sitting in Cafe Solstice cooing into your girlfriend's ear looking across University Way at the asian looking lady with…
A little facetious or completely? What I got from you is: JRPG trite, WRPG innovative! That comes off as misleading. I couldn't tell you the story-lines of any WRPG. I know I broke all the elderscroll games, but we won't count those since they are the equivalent of FF over here. We can't mention fallout and radical…