With zero? I can go up to 300k with axton. Always wanted to try a glass cannon like zero.
With zero? I can go up to 300k with axton. Always wanted to try a glass cannon like zero.
I don't take it too seriously, I just come off as polarizing. Not sure why the last paragraph is uncalled for though. You are in favor of instant respec and I am not. I am for consequences for better or worse... I correlate that with commitment. Didn't seem so far fetched in my mind at least.
Extremely dangerous weak foreign policy? Do you just say things to see if people are listening? Could you explain to me when america, imperialism incarnate, has ever had a weak foreign policy?
You fail to see the point of role play; why it was appealing to begin with. Your argument is very much like saying there are hacks for fps games. They should freely distribute these hacks and anyone that doesn't want them can just turn a blind eye.
There was no sarcasm in his post.
This is Kotaku, their entire staff knows little of video games.