
What i$ that you $aid? I couldn’t hear you over my fort of $tacked twenty dollar bill$.

Or maybe it’s more like the late-war factories Germany desperately tried to build in order to build the fancy new weapons they had to match Allied numerical superiority.

This is a load of bullshit and you know it.

The wunderwagen Model 3 hasn’t begun production and full-scale prototyping yet because the lynchpin state-of-the-art factory is an 88% unfinished warehouse in the middle of the Nevada desert on a massive slab of I.O.U.’s and thousand dollar coins thrown in a wishing well by their customers that the car will

You are not paying my house payment or property taxes, the day you do, I’ll allow you to have a say as to what’s in MY YARD!

Landlords no. Neighbors no. People are assholes!

That assumes you want to live somewhere with a HOA. Fuck that.

Or you could, oh I don’t know, STOP STARING INTO YOUR NEIGHBOR’S YARD, and mind your own damn business.

If you don’t like the way something looks, do the right thing, look away, and MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS!

Using cameras, lasers, radar or some combination of those things, automatic braking systems detect when a forward collision with another car is imminent and apply the brakes for the driver. The safety feature now is available on a wide array of cars across all price ranges, and it will probably be standard safety

He wouldn’t have to needed to stop anyway. Just reduce his speed to allow the truck to clear the intersection...

Because there are elevated crossings and steep breakover angles *everywhere* in the USA, once you get off the interstate system.

jelpnic, i just wantd 2 sey as a conserned reader of the website, i do not liek all the telsa shiling stop accepting the fact that tsela is very newsworthy rite now and write mor about miatas and v8 motors pls thank u

Auto Braking in my wife’s Mercedes has proven to be nothing other than a nuisance. It has twice braked when there was nothing there. It also has a pedestrian incursion algorythym that sounds an alarm whenever it sees a bush on the side of the road leaning in towards the roadway. These systems are not even close to

What you actually know: Nothing.

No Windows no care.

It’s an app that displays shirtless pictures of Elon on the Tesla’s interior display. That gives Tesla drivers something to do with their hands while the car is on autopilot.

I can almost picture the tumbleweed blowing through the half-finished, abandoned site in 5-6 years.

Freight trucks seem like a great way to deploy more electric and autonomous driving technologies.

I think this is Elon’s first encounter with the NTSB, and Elon doesn’t like being told that he did something wrong.